

Can a cat be shaved

Updated: 11/12/2022
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Q: Can a cat be shaved
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How long does it take for a shaved cat to regrow fur?

how long do you think it takes for a shaved cat to regrow it's fur? hmmm

Are some cats meant to be shaved?

I dont really care if they are meant to be shaved or not but they can still make good flesh pets. I do not think that any cats are meant to be shaved. As your are probably referring to the cat on Austin Powers or other cats similar. Well the truth is that this particular cat which people perceive to be shaved, was born the way and will always be bald. I agree

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they shaved the cats eyebrows off

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yes, the Egyptians worshiped cats massively, wen a cat died they shaved their eyebrows in grief.

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there is no difference

Will shaving your cat reduce allergies?

From what I understand, from my allergist, it's not the cat fur that causes the allergic reaction, but the cat saliva, as well as skin cells it sheds, just like we do, but theirs is called dander Whether your cat is shaved or not, it will still groom itself by licking, thus exposing anyone who touches it to the saliva. It has something to do with proteins in the saliva (whatever that means!), and an allergic person reacts to the proteins. As far as the dander is concerned, it's very fine and floats in the air, so it is easily spread. the allergic person breathes it in and has a reaction. Another thing to mention is a shaved cat looks downright strange. We had ours shaved, at the cat groomer, because she has long hair which is prone to mats, so we thought it best to have the shave done. When she came home, our cat wasn't happy for several days, she hid under furniture and inside anywhere she could. We thought she knew she looked wierd and was embarrassed, who knows! Marty V.

Will your dog be shaved before an ultrasound?

Your dog will be shaved before an ultrasound. It is difficult to get a good image if the animal is not shaved.

Is it safe to shave a cat?

you shouldn't shave your cat unless its hair is to long for the cat to function. Cats like their fur and it would upset them if you shaved it

When did Gandhi get his head shaved?

Gandhi shaved his head in 1921.

What animal did the Egyptian worship like gods?

They worshiped cats! The Egyptians loved cats so much that when their cat died, they shaved their eyebrows as a sign of mourning. Crazy!