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Everything I've read points to physical, because most physical changes are only changes in the state of matter of an object, or something similar to that. In a chemical change, reactions occur that create new substances, and so they are more difficult to reverse.

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1w ago

No, a chemical change cannot be reversed by physical changes alone. Chemical changes involve the rearrangement of atoms to form new substances, while physical changes only affect the state or appearance of a substance without altering its chemical composition. Reversing a chemical change would require specific chemical reactions.

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12y ago

physical change because it's like when u put ice in water , it melts , but u can re - freeze it to form back the ice that melted .... it's like getting the object back . u can't do this to a chemical change ... can u make a baked cake come back to cake mix , liek u started ? no u can't . so u can't get chemical change back to the original object ... altough some chemical changes can be back .

i hope this helped u !!! thxs bye

good lck

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12y ago

No. A chemical change alters the chemical make-up of a substance. A physical change does not. A chemical change such as the following combustion reaction:

CH4(s) +O2(g)= 2H2O(g) +CO2(g)

changes the original chemical species (CH4 and O2) into new chemical species (H2O and CO2). Taking the H2O, you could perform physical changes on it by mixing it with NaCl(s), cooling it to H2O(l) or H2O(s). It is still H2O, though. A physical change cannot alter the chemical identity of a substance. In order to get CH4 and O2 back, the chemical reaction would have to be completed in reverse (that would never happen in this case. don't try.).

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12y ago

Maybe, depending on exactly what you mean by that.

A chemical change can only be reversed by another chemical change.

However, some equilibria can be shifted by physical changes. For example, if one molecule of gas breaks into two molecules of gas as a chemical change, increasing the pressure may cause some of the products to recombine back into the reactant.

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13y ago

no only the composition of water and carbon dioxide together can elliminate chemical changes.

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13y ago

Technically no..... however; the application of "extreme" physical forces can cause chemical change such as applying exiremely high pressure to coal to cause the formation of diamond.

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Q: Can a chemical change be reversed by physical changes?
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Chemical changes can be reserved by physical change?

No, chemical changes cannot be reversed by physical changes. Chemical changes involve the formation of new substances with different properties, while physical changes only affect the state or appearance of a substance without changing its chemical composition. Once a chemical change occurs, it cannot be undone by a physical change.

How is sour milk a chemical change?

When milk turns sour, it is a chemical change because the bacteria in the milk ferment the lactose sugar into lactic acid, which changes the composition of the milk. This process cannot be easily reversed, making it a chemical change rather than a physical one.

What is the difference between a chamical and physical change?

A chemical change results in the formation of new substances with different chemical properties, while a physical change involves a change in appearance, state, or form of a substance without altering its chemical composition. Chemical changes are usually irreversible, while physical changes can often be reversed.

What are the differences between the physical and chemical?

Physical changes alter a substance's appearance, such as size or state, without changing its chemical composition. Chemical changes, on the other hand, involve the formation of new substances with different chemical properties.

Is melting a physical or chemical property of sulfur?

Physical - because melting isn't a change in it's chemical structure, it has just changed its physical state of matter. Generally (but not always) physical changes are reversible (can be taken back) but chemical ones cannot be reversed easily.

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Is melting ice a chemical or physical change explain?

It is a physical change because when you have a chemical change it changes the properties and makes it into a new thing, and it can't be reversed. Physical changes are usually just changes of states (solid, liquid, gas) and a physical change can be reversed.

Chemical changes can be reserved by physical change?

No, chemical changes cannot be reversed by physical changes. Chemical changes involve the formation of new substances with different properties, while physical changes only affect the state or appearance of a substance without changing its chemical composition. Once a chemical change occurs, it cannot be undone by a physical change.

Explain Why physical changes can be reversed but chemical changes cannot?

Physical changes are generally easy to reverse because NO ENERGY is produced by the substance.A Chemical change cannot be reversed because ENERGY is produced by the substance forming a new substance.

How is sour milk a chemical change?

When milk turns sour, it is a chemical change because the bacteria in the milk ferment the lactose sugar into lactic acid, which changes the composition of the milk. This process cannot be easily reversed, making it a chemical change rather than a physical one.

Why physical changes can easily be reversed but why chemical cannot?

Physical changes are generally easy to reverse because NO ENERGY is produced by the substance.A Chemical change cannot be reversed because ENERGY is produced by the substance forming a new substance.

Why physical change can easily be reversed but chemical change cannot?

Physical changes are generally easy to reverse because NO ENERGY is produced by the substance.A Chemical change cannot be reversed because ENERGY is produced by the substance forming a new substance.

What are three differences between physical and chemical changes?

(i) Physical change does not result in formation of new substances Chemical change result in formation of new substances (ii) Physical change is a temporary change Chemical change is a permanent change (iii) Physical change is reversible Chemical change cannot be reversed back (iv) e.g of Physical change-Dissolving of sugar in water to obtain a sugar solution e.g of Chemical change-Burning of sodium in chloride

What is the difference between physically and chemical changes?

A chemical change is when something cannot be reversed and often a precipitate (solid) is formed. While a physical change can be reversed e.g bending a piece of wire.

What is the difference between chemical and physical changes?

Chemical changes involve the rearrangement of atoms to form new substances with different chemical properties. Physical changes, on the other hand, only affect the physical state of a substance (such as its shape, size, or phase) without changing its chemical composition.

Why rotting wood is a chemical change?

Rotting wood is a chemical change because the decomposed wood has different properties that cannot be reversed. Chemical changes alter the identity of a substance, whereas physical changes do not.

What is the difference between a chamical and physical change?

A chemical change results in the formation of new substances with different chemical properties, while a physical change involves a change in appearance, state, or form of a substance without altering its chemical composition. Chemical changes are usually irreversible, while physical changes can often be reversed.

Can a chemical changes be reversed by physical changes?

Technically no..... however; the application of "extreme" physical forces can cause chemical change such as applying exiremely high pressure to coal to cause the formation of diamond.