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Extensive pulling against a collar (especially a choke chain) can eventually result in damage to a dog's larynx. It seldom will hurt the dog's neck muscles.

Repeated pulling on a dog collar is extremely dangerous and can cause choking, wheezing and coughing, leading to damage to the dog' trachea and in serious cases eventually the dog's spinal columb. It also hurts. An anti-pull dog harness can prevent this, along with training your dog to walk without pulling. I've left links below with information about dog harnesses and a 10 step training routine for getting your dog to stop pulling.

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Q: Can a dog get throat damage by pulling on collar?
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Can dog harnesses cause blindness?

No, on the contrary, a dog pulling whilst on a dog collar and lead can though. A dog harness prevents damage to a dog's eyes.

Does pulling on a leash hurt a dog's neck?

Yes and also in some cases no. If you hear your dog chocking that tells you not to pull as hard. Yes it does and it can cause serious damage if the dog is wearing a dog collar and not a dog harness. Dog harnesses prevent damage to a dog's neck and specific types of dog harnesses are designed to prevent pulling - anti-pull harnesses are used to stop a dog pulling, along with training.

Can a harness be harmful to a dogs breathing or cause a breathing problem although there is no unusual tension?

noNo, a dog harness cannot harm a dog, it is a dog collar that can cause wheezing, coughing and damage to a dog's trachea if a dog pulls whilst walking on a collar and leash. A dog harness is used to spread the pressure of pulling across the dog's chest which prevents damage to the sensitive neck area. Anti-pull harnesses are specially designed aids for use, along with dog training to stop dogs pulling.

How do you put a dog shock collar on a dog?

Do not put on a dog shock collar. It is inhumane for dogs and can cause nerve damage to people acting stupid. Trust me it is not healthy for you.

Is it bad for a dog to pull you on a skateboard?

In my opinion yes if there not where the proper pulling harness. If they are just wearing a collar you could cause some damage in there neck. I would get some type of pulling harness then let the dog pull you cause it is good exerise and the dog probably enjoy's it! It depends: If you are using the ordinary choke collar on your dog then this is very bad. For pulling the dog needs a proper harness. Some breeds of dogs actually enjoy pulling: huskys, malamutes, Samoyes (not the toy kind), newfoundlanders, labradors, st bernards, dog of berdoux, etc. if your dog doesn't appear to be enjoying the activity then it is unfortunate and wrong. It is true that there are dogs that enjoy pulling more then others I have a malamute and I got her the proper pulling harness and she pulls me on a scooter and loves it. Only do it if your dog enjoys it!!

Will static shock on a bark collar damage a dog's trachea?

it shouldnt. it normally just depends on the voltage of the bark collar

How does Don Sullivans collar work for training dogs?

Don Sullivan collar is a corrective style collar that alleviate issues of pulling, teaching the dog to exercise self-restraint under intense distractions.

Can you use a prong collar with a ground stake?

Absolutely not. It can cause permanent damage to your dog. If you happen to have a dog who is egged on by pain or ignorant to pain and will not stop pulling against the collar (many pit bulls are this way), it may kill them. Ground stakes are simply not good ways to put your dog outside. Fences, invisible fences, or simply you holding a leash are more humane, safe ways to keep your dog at home.

Why is the vicars collar a dog collar?

The collar that vicars wear is a clerical collar, not a dog collar. Dog collar is just a crude nickname. The clerical collar is also sometimes referred to as a Roman collar.

Injury from dog pulling leash very hard?

throat Injuries can occur if a dog pulls on a leash repeatedly. Initial warning signals are coughing, wheezing and choking. An anti-pull dog harness is the answer, along with proper training for your dog to learn to walk without pulling.

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What are the benefits of using a gentle leader head collar for dogs?

There are several benefits of using a gentle leader head collar for dogs. By using this product, one can walk their dog without the dog jumping, lunging, and pulling, and instead have a nice leisurely walk.