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Related questions

Can a non violent felon be a medical marijuana caregiver in Colorado state?

No, currently the laws in Colorado do not permit this... so if you were, for instance, convicted of a felony involving theft or narcotics, you cannot legally be a medical marijuana caregiver in CO

Can a felon be a caregiver in Ohio?


How does one become a medical marijuana caregiver in Arizona?

The Arizona Medical Marijuana Act is currently [1.21.2011] not finalized. However, once completed, a nominal fee will be used to apply for caregiver status. As a caregiver you are authorized to treat and grow marijuana for 5 patients. more info like this found below

Can a felon grow marajauna in Colorado?

No, felons are ineligible for the permits needed to grow marijuana legally in Colorado.

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Marijuana delivery caregiver's handbook?

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Are there any circumstances in which a convicted felon could legally use medicinal marijuana?

Absoloutely. However you may not be allowed to grow it.

How does one become a medical marijuana caregiver in Colorado?

you don't

Can a felon convition of possession of marijuana reinstate there foid card?

To own a Foid card one must not be a felon, or have any drug charge (including a marijuana ticket) The application asks about felony convictions and it asks about marijuana, Do not lie.

Does second hand marijuana smoked is consider abuse if you are caregiver?

This question is very vague. However, marijuana smoke is not harmful to anyone therefore is not abusive in any way. If a caregiver wishes to smoke marijuana, they should either obtain permission from the one they are caring for, or step outside for a moment to smoke.

Where do dispensaries obtain their marijuana from?

They usually hold the caregiver role and are allowed to grow a certain number of plant depending on how may patients they give care to. They can obtain it from a 3rd party and is usually discreet from what i understand.