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How do you mean "leave the state?" To TRAVEL out of the state, probably yes, unless you have restrictions on your travel. If you mean to MOVE out of the state permanently; you would have to get the the permission of the court and even then some method would have to be set up for you to continue to be monitored and visited.

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It depends on what state you are in as well as the conditions of your probation. When you are put on probation you will receive paperwork stating the conditions. It varies what state are you in and what are the charges?

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Your probation documents will tell you how far you may travel, if at all.

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Q: Can a felon leave the state of Georgia while on probation?
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Can an ex felon who is no longer on probation leave the state of California?

once you have served your probation term and are off you can leave the state

If one person is on probation for a felon and the other has had a felon and did time in prison can they still live together in the state of Georgia?

You need to carefully read your probation documents. If you are forbidden from 'consorting' with known criminals you may be in violation. Best answer: Ask your PO.

Does a federal probation officer care if a convicted felon goes to another state to visit another convicted felon?

It depends on the conditions of probation. Often, a condition of probation is that the felon can't leave the state without permission. Further, another frequent condition of probation is that the felon can't associate with other felons. If you have a document that outlines the conditions of your probation, read it carefully for these conditions. If you don't have the document in question (and I know this probably isn't what you want to hear), ask your probation officer if this is permissible. It's the only way to know for sure.

Can a person from NC leave the state while on probation?

Usually, the probation officer will submit a form to a supervisor for approval to leave the state. If the order of probation prohibits you from leaving the state, it is usually up to the probation officer if you can leave. There must be a good reasonto leave the state, and it helps if he/she has been doing well while on probation.

Are there any laws or guidelines in the state of Florida in which a felony probation officer can violate someone if they come in contact with a convicted felon?

Yes, if you are convicted felon currently on probation you are not to have any kind of contact with any other convicted felon.

Can you leave the state of Georgia to travel out the country if on probation for a DUI?

According to my DUI lawyer, travel outside the country requires the judge's approval.

Is is possible for a convicted felon be charged with probation violation when a the ATF team raided his house and found guns underneath house but not in his hand possession in the state of Georgia?

Violation of Probation is the least of your problems. You were in in what is known as "Concurrent Possession" of the firearms because they were secreted in your house. You stand a good chance of being charged as a Convicted Felon In Possession of Firearms.

Under the foa can you get a state job after your probation is done i have 8yrs of probation i ave done 3 will this still be on my record or will i be a convicted felon aall me life?

Once a felon always a felon unless you exsponge. This is very costly and you cant do it till your probation is over and it's at least 10 years old.

Can convicted felons vote in the state of Wisconsin?

A felon can vote when he/she is done serving his sentence and probation.

Can a felon bowhunt in the state of Georgia?

as long as you don't get caught.

Can you leave the state if you feel your life is in danger but you are on probation?

Contact your probation officer for information.

Can you leave the state if you have a DUI?

Yes, as long as none of the following apply: -Your DUI charge has suspended your license and you are the driver of a vehicle leaving the state -Your DUI charge has left you on probation and part of the probation has required you to not leave the state -Your DUI charge has left you on probation and part of the probation has required you to contact your parole officer (PO) for approval to leave the state.