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If you get hard while Twerking

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Related questions

What is the difference between twerking and crumping?

Twerking is when a girl is grinding on a guy, the guy stops moving and the girl rubs all over his crotch while krumping usually involves physical contact between dancers.

What do you think of miley cyruses twerking?

I love Miley but i just don't like her twerking or twerking period

What does it take to be on the twerk team?

You have to know all the tricks about twerking and twerking itself, you have got to be strong to some level, you have to have a big butt and you've got to be able to SHAKE and MOVE your BODY... A LOT!

Does twerking and erection relate to each other?

twerking can CAUSE an er*ction

Can twerking help lose weight?

Twerking might help a person lose weight if they do enough of it, since it is a physical activity. Twerking is a type of dance.

What is twerking?

twurking is when a girl shakes her butt on a mans croch it is kind of like popping or grinding

Is it illegal to twerk in Florida?

Twerking alone is not illegal but twerking with others on public place is a crime in Florida.

Who invented twerking?


Who made up twerking?

I think Miley Cyrus because in her video wrecking ball which you all probably no she was twerking!

Why is Miley Cyrus twerking?

She is twerking to catch people's attention. It's a shame really, she's quite talented. She kind of ruined her whole effect a bit. I guess she just wanted to lose the good girl image she earned on Disney Channel when she played Hannah Montana.

How can you tell that a seahorse has mated?

i boy will have a big belly and the girl will be aggressive.

How do you start a convo with a hot girl?

tell her u have a big peter