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yes but it will be a demon baby

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Yes, in many fictional universes, a half vampire could give birth. The ability to reproduce would depend on the specific rules and lore established within the fictional world.

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Q: Can a half vampire give birth?
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Does Bella give birth to anyone?

She had a half-human, half-vampire baby girl named Renesmee in Breaking Dawn.

Will Bella give birth?

Yes, in Breaking Dawn, Bella has a half-human, half-vampire baby girl named Renesemee with Edward.

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Because, Bella gave birth to their child when she was human, and Edward was a vampire when they did it, so it would be half vampire, because of Edward, and half human, because of Bella. But it was only after she gave birth that Bella became a vampire. Mabey that's why you don't think that it would be half human half vampire. x

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Vampire babies

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Sort of. With Bella's being of a human, and Edward's being of a vampire, in birth of Renessme, they figured out that she was half human, and half vampire.

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That would depend where the female bats are roosting when they give birth.

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The child will stay a half vampire because her blood isn't connected to her mothers. She should be whole vampire by birth (vampire DNA is dominant over human), but she somehow came out half. Half vampire half human's are called dampyres.

Does Bella give birth to a vampire baby?

yes she has a vampire baby and the baby is going crazy so edward has to bite her neck

Does Bella Swan become a vampire in New Moon?

No, Bella Swan wants Edward to change her so he makes a deal with her which is if she marries him he will change her. She becomes a vampire, while she is trying to have birth to her half vampire but gives birth to a half human baby after her and Edward's honeymoon- after their wedding. This, painfully forced Edward, though trying to resist, to bite her and turn her into a vampire... forever. How sad!

Is rennesme a vampire?

No, she is a half vampire and half human...

How does kirstin Stewart become a vampire?

In Breaking Dawn, Bella is pregnant and the baby is very strong. During the birth the half vampire and half human baby nearly kills her so Edward bites her many times and changes her into a vampire to save her life.