

Can hamsters take baths

Updated: 8/10/2023
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14y ago

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yes but put a little water up to your nail on your finger tip
From my experience, a lukewarm bath will do a rodent no harm, but they don't like it; my pet rats used to scratch the arms off me. You can even get special rodent shampoo as well!
From my experience, a lukewarm bath will do a rodent no harm, but they don't like it; my pet rats used to scratch the arms off me. You can even get special rodent shampoo as well!

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11y ago
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14y ago

No because hamsters clean theirselves. They lick themselfs and kick off the dirt off their fur well... if you put the smallest amount of water in a sink, they wont like it but they will be ok! but just put a tiny,tiny bit of water... so it covers half of your fingernail

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13y ago

Hampsters dont like to take sand baths, but you can try if you like. It wont hurt them.

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10y ago

Definitely, you should never get a hamster wet, since it can catch pneumonia.

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12y ago

They don't need to but you can if u want

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Do hamsters take baths?

They groom themselves, but they don't take baths like humans (if they are submerged in a tub of water they would drown [from personal experience])

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Only sand baths, hamsters should never get wet as they can get pneumonia very easily.

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yes your hamsters have to take sand baths so they wont get to greasy get one made espessialy for hamsters get them at local pet stores

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Absolutely not because,the hamster can get very dirty and it might be very easy for them to get fleas,or lice

Can teddy bear hamsters take a bath?

No- no hamsters can't take baths because they hate water and it makes them very ill and they die!Hamsters groom themselves and so don't need to be washed so baths won't be necessary anyway.If they are smelly from 'someone' not cleaning their cage they can use Chinchilla dust bath, available at most pet stores.

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The question that you asked is listed in the HAMSTERS category, and hamsters don't need baths.

How many times do hamsters need a bath?

Hamsters need baths atleast once a week or up to two times a week

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Can you give dwarf robo hamster baths?

Yes you can give most hamsters baths, but there are a few very important rules. . Make sure the water is not to warm and not to cold. . don't fill up the sink (or what ever thing your giving your hamster a bath in) to high. . If your hamster can not swim (usually hamsters will swim) then take them out of the bath imidietly because it might drown.