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Q: Can a heat engine convert its entire heat into work?
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A heat engine is able to convert its entire heat source into work?


A heat engine is unable to convert its entire heat source into work.?

False (APEX)

A heat engine is unable to convert its entire heat source into work?

False (APEX)

What does a heat engine convert heat into?


What is the use of steam engine?

To convert heat energy into mechanical work.

Can scientists construct an engine that does nothing but convert heat to useful work?

Yes - with certain limitations. You can convert part of the heat - not all of the heat - into useful work, if there is a heat difference. The remainder of the heat (from the hot container) gets passed to the cold container. You CANNOT convert ALL the heat into useful work, nor can you convert heat into useful work if there is no heat difference. All this would contradict the Second Law of Thermodynamics, and it is very unlikely that this law will ever be violated.

True or false A heat engine is a device that converts heat into work?

False its not possible to convert all heat into work as some of its being used as energy APEX

Why 100 percent heat not convert in mechanical work in engine?

No engine is 100% efficient: there is always some loss of energy between input and output.

A heat engine is a device that converts work into heat?

No, a heat engine is not a device that converts work into heat. It is the opposite, which means it is a device that converts heat into work.

Which term describes a machine that converts heat into work?

Heat Engine Heat Engine

What is the difference between heat engine and heat pump?

Heat Engine is the system that converts the Heat energy into mechanical work while Heat pump converts the work into heat

What type of device is in the car engine?

A heat engine that uses heat to do work