

Can a hen lay eggs without mating?

Updated: 8/11/2023
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14y ago

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Yes Pullets will start laying at about 5 months old. A rooster does not need to be involved at all. Eggs are produced without the help of a rooster. All the rooster does is fertilize the eggs and guard the flock. The chickens who produce the eggs you buy at the big supermarkets and grocery stores with live out their productive years without ever seeing a rooster.

Yes Hens will lay without mating with a cockrel they will start to lay at about 5 months old. If a hen did lay after mating that egg may be fertile as that is all the Cockrel does. I just want to say Heyyy to my friends Suzie,Anna and Annaliese xxxxxx

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14y ago
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13y ago

Yes, they can, however the eggs wont be fertile and will never hatch without a mate.

Yes, chickens do it all the time. Pullets, young female chickens, always lay eggs. If there isn't a rooster (male) present, they lay non-fertile eggs, like the kind you would eat for breakfast. When there is a rooster present, they eggs are fertile, and can hatch into baby chicks.

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12y ago

Yes actually a chicken can lay fertile ones with out the help of a rooster, I had gotten 1 hen on Easter and the hen had baby's in the spring but none of them hatched ,so maybe they cant hatch fertile ones. I hoped I helped.

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11y ago

In the United States, the eggs in the grocery stores came from chickens who did not have a mate. Most birds can not lay eggs without a mate. Birds, in the natural world can not hatch eggs without a mate. Of course science has the tools to make exceptions but that is another story.

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13y ago

Yes. Hens will lay with or without a rooster. If you want to have chicks hatching from those eggs though, you need a rooster.

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12y ago

Hens do lay eggs even if they haven't been fertilized by a rooster; there just won't be chicks in them. Think of it as the chicken equivalent of a menstrual cycle.

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12y ago

Yes, they can, but the eggs will not be fertilized obviously. Depending what kind of chicken, a hen can produce eggs without a male.

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Yes. reproduction is still carried out the old fashioned way, the mating of a hen with a rooster. Without the roosters involvement, the hen will still lay eggs but they will not be fertile.

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No, a hen cannot lay a fertilized egg without exposure to a rooster. However, a hen can lay fertilized eggs up to a week after the male is taken out of the flock.

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The hen will continue to lay fertilized eggs for up to 10 days after the last mating.

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Yes, they can lay both non fertile eggs and fertilized eggs depending on the availability of a rooster and a successful mating. Since roosters deposit a sperm sac rather than having to mate each time a mated hen can produce fertile eggs for up to 10 days after one mating.

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Can rhode island chickens lay eggs without a rooster?

Yes All chickens will lay eggs without the need for a rooster. All a rooster does is fetilize the eggs, it does not induce the hen to lay an egg, she will do this anyway.