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I was born double-jointed, or hypermobile, which is the specific and correct term that your doctor will use. (It also can be called hyperlaxity). It is possible to be hypermobile as an infant because people don't just suddenly become double-jointed. Hope this helped you!!!

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Q: Can a infant be double jointed?
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What culture is usually double jointed?

Usually people that are Asian, or come from Asia, are double jointed. But still, it's possible to have someone that is not Asian be double jointed?

Is it bad to be double jointed?

nope im double jointed in all my fingers and i can do and its cool

How many people in the US are double jointed?

There is no specific data on the number of people in the US who are double-jointed, as it is not a medical condition but rather a colloquial term to describe individuals with hypermobility in their joints. Hypermobility varies in severity and prevalence among different population groups.

Is Chris Brown double-jointed?

in some places

Is Britney Spears double jointed?

Everyone in the world is double jointed not many people know that

Do you have to be double jointed todo a scorpion stretch?

I dont think so i can do one and I'm not double jointed

Can you be doubled jointed in your hips?

If your joints are abnormal, you might be double jointed

Can cats be double jointed?

Yes, much like humans, cats can also be double jointed. However, not all cats are. In general, cats are pretty flexible.

Is Zayn Malik double jointed?

I believe he is, yes, in his thumb. Being double jointed in the thumb, myself, I can do the same :)

Can you be double jointed in your tongue?

It is possible for someone to be double jointed but others may become double jointed in a car accident. If you want to be more flexible practice every day and you may become better at your flexibility!!

Does double jointed fingers effect playing basketball?

Nope not at all. I'm double jointed and I play just fine

What does hyper-jointed mean?

hyper-jointed is also known as double-jointed which means you can stretch your joints farther then normal.