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If you mean your mother then yes, yes it can...

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Q: Can a jackass reproduce
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Was jackass 3 the last jackass movie?

nope theres a jackass 3.5

How do you say jackass in German?

Jackass = Esel

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Jackass festival Jackass festival Jackass festival

Is jackass 3d the last jackass?

They also have Jackass 3.5, which is a followup of Jackass 3D with footage they didn't use for the original film. Also, they have filmed a Jackass 4 that should be out sometime early in 2012.

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You got to be a member of jackass

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When was Jackass Mail created?

Jackass Mail was created in 1942.

Why did they stop making jackass?

They are currently filming for Jackass 3

What is the Australian jackass?

The kookaburra, a bird with an unusual loud "laughing" call, is sometimes known as the "laughing jackass", or the "Australian jackass".

Is jackass 2.5 the new one?

Jackass 2.5 is just the xtra stuff from jackass number 2. The jackass guys shot enough film for 2 movies. so, u could say its a new one. Get the DVD and enjoy, i got it and loved it.When the jackass Guys made "Jackass 2", they ended up making two films worth of footage. The new Jackass film is currently in production, called Jackass 3.

Is the jackass penguin endangered?

Yes cute Jackass penguins are endangered!!