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Not like in jaguar talk but with body language. They can tell what the other feels like by the way they act.

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4d ago

Jaguars communicate primarily through vocalizations, such as grunts, growls, and roars. These sounds can convey information about territory, mating, and warning signals to other jaguars. While they do not have a complex language like humans, they can communicate effectively with other jaguars in their own way.

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Q: Can a jaguar talk to other jaguars?
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What is a Jaguar's enemie?

Other Jaguars and enemies.

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What is the pretators to a Jaguar?

Jaguars have few predators in the wild. Humans are a big threat to Jaguars. There other predatory threat are other Jaguars, when they engage in combat.

What do Jaguar do with there tongue?

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How does a Jaguar get to its habitat?

The jaguar is born into its habitat. Jaguars are found in the Americas, Mexico and other areas. The jaguars preferred habitat is rainforest, but it is found in forested and open areas.

Is a jaguar a canivore?

Yes jaguars are carnivores. They eat meat or other animals.

Who are the jaguar's enemies?

the jaguars enemy is you . and other animals such as there kind.

Is the animal jaguar an animal who likes to be solitary?

Yes, jaguars are solitary and they only look for other jaguars during mating season.

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Does a jaguar eat other jaguars?

Yes they can kill other Jaguars and eat them, if on the verge of starvation or if battling for a female, but they usually wouldn't if there was better prey around

Do all Jaguar cars have the Jaguar on the front of them?

Not all Jaguars have the physical animal Jaguar on the front of them. Many Jaguars now just have a symbol on them instead of the statue.

How many enemies do jaguars have?

humens and other jaguars a person is a jaguars enemies larger prey Because of their strength, jaguars have no predators other than humans. the enimie of the jaguar is the anaconda its viscios approach just beats the jaguar along the wolf is also an enimie of the jaguar