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Without permission, NEVER. Permission includes a couple being in a mutually agreed upon and agreeable intimate relationship, and it is a given that this activity is part of an intimate encounter.

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Q: Can a man touch a woman's pubic hair?
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Do women like it when men shave their pubic hair?

Yes, men like women with pubic hair. All adult women have pubic hair, thus a man who is attracted to adult women (rather than children) likes to see an adult womans body. Some men may have a preference to their partners removing their pubic hair, but all men should expect and respect that adult women have pubic hair.

What do girls think about pubic hair?

My opinion is they look like a little boy. No hair is okay, but it looks better if it is just kept trimmed. I agree,I would rather a man have pubic hair.

You are 14 and have very few pubic hair should you have more?

Pubic hair, once it starts appearing, grows gradually more coarse, darker and more abundant as puberty progresses. It is normal for a young man to have fewer pubic hairs than he might wish. Not to worry though, what begins as a sparse gathering of fine, wispy hair, will eventually grow into a dense patch of curly hair that will overspread the pubic region, and may eventually spread up the lower abdomen, and down around the legs, perineum, anus and buttocks.

If true why would a zoo shave the mane off of a lion?

Shave the Lions Mane is slang for a man shaving the pubic hair around the penis.

How did pubic lice start?

Human head lice (Pediculus humanus) separated from Chimpanzee head lice (Pediculus schaeffi) about 5.6 million years Ago. If you are an evolutionist this is when ancient man separated from ancient chimpanzee. Also most lice originated from Asia (like most things .) and lived in tall grass lands.

Is Cheryl a man's or woman's name?

A womans name.

How can a man get big womans bubble butt?


Ive got small white dots on and around your penis what are they?

This is normal. What you are more than likely seeing is the hair follicles under the skin. Even though there may not be a hair growing out of this follicle, it still has mass and the skin is very thin in this region, thus making it look like chicken or turkey skin after the feathers are plucked.

What is the eytomology of down bearded?

Down is the soft undercoat of feathers on a bird - especially the covering of a baby bird. When a young man first begins to grow hair on his body (beard, pubic hair, chest hair, underarm hair) it comes in the same texture as the head on the hair - soft and straight, like down. Thus a "down-bearded" man would be a very young one.

Is it OK for a Jewish man to shave his pubic hair with a blade?

According to the Rambam it is forbidden. See his Mishneh Torah. If I remember correctly, it is forbidden, because its for women to do so.

what is meaning by sex?

Sex also known as sexual intercourse, is when a man placeds his errect penis into a womans vagina. The man will eventually release sperm cells into the womans vagina.

What is a womans urine hole called?

Same as for man - urethra.