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Water can do this and the temperature at which it occurs is called the triple point.

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Q: Can a material be both liquid and gas at the same time?
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Is there anything that is both solid or liquid?

At the same time, no. Being solid and liquid at the same time would be like being hot and cold at the same time.

Can be a liquid or gas?

Substance at Vapour - Liquid phase equilibrium can exist as both liquid or gas at the same time.

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What material is both a solid and a liquid at the same time?

Glass is an amorphous liquid, that has not undergone a clear phase transition. This question is somewhat ambiguous since most compounds can be solid or liquid at different times. More importantly, however, is that given the correct temperature and pressure all materials can be made to exist in all three (ordinary) states of matter simultaneously. Such a combination of temperature and pressure is known as the triple point for that material.

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The amount of time that a liquid material needs to solidify

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Plasma is a substance that can be both liquid and gas at the same time. It is formed when an air or gas is ionized and releases free electrons. Specific examples of plasma are balls of lightning, fluorescent light bulbs, and the Northern Lights.

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They both contract at the same time.

What liquid dissolves aspirin the fastest tonic water or distilled water?

I did this experiment for my science class and i got they both dissolved at the same time

Is lolly pops a solid or a liquid?

When we suck it, it is solid but after some time it becomes liquid

Can B.B. King sing and play guitar at same time?

Yes, he does do both at the same time. I saw him in concert and he did both at the same time.

What is a liquid and solid at the same time called?

an Amorphis Solid