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Q: Can a non profit use an interest bearing account for a reimbursement based Grant?
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Can a corporation have a interest bearing checking account?

A corporation that is a for profit corporation cannot have an interest bearing checking account. However, it can have an earnings credit which is similar to an interest rate. With an earnings credit the interest earned on the Checking account is used to offset monthly fees/ charges on the account, if interested earned using the earnings credit is more than the total amount of fees/ charges it is considered a surplus and does not accrue to the checking account balance. A non profit corporation such as a 501.c.3 Can earn interest on Checking accounts due to the not for profit status.

Can a corporation have an interest bearing checking account?

A corporation that is a for profit corporation cannot have an interest bearing checking account. However, it can have an earnings credit which is similar to an interest rate. With an earnings credit the interest earned on the Checking account is used to offset monthly fees/ charges on the account, if interested earned using the earnings credit is more than the total amount of fees/ charges it is considered a surplus and does not accrue to the checking account balance. A non profit corporation such as a 501.c.3 Can earn interest on Checking accounts due to the not for profit status.

What is the bank profit?

Banks profit from interest income and other charges they levy on their account holders.

How does a interest bearing savings account work?

All Savings accounts earn interest. Here, you deposit money from your earnings into this account. The bank utilizes this money to grant loans and earn a profit out of it. But, in case of a savings account, you can withdraw the money anytime you want and the bank cannot effectively utilize this money for making profits. So they give you only a lower interest rate.

How does interest bearing savings account work?

All Savings accounts earn interest. Here, you deposit money from your earnings into this account. The bank utilizes this money to grant loans and earn a profit out of it. But, in case of a savings account, you can withdraw the money anytime you want and the bank cannot effectively utilize this money for making profits. So they give you only a lower interest rate.

What are the example for Finance cost in profit and loss account or income statement?

Interest on Loan

What is the bank customer shares of the profit made of loans?

Savings account interest and all other forms of interest earned on deposits with a bank is a person's share of the bank's profit made on loans.

What is a banks customer's share of the profit made on loans?

The bank customer's share of profit made on loans by the bank is called the "interest." It is the money the bank pays the customer for having their money deposited with the bank. As you know, the bank earns an interest income from loan customers for the money they lend them, and since this money they lend is taken from the deposits placed by customers, banks share the profit by paying interest to the customer who has placed the deposit with them.

How does a bank makes its profit and generates revenue?

Banks make their profit through interest from loans, credit cards etc. and also from the fees from having a bank account and eftpos transactions etc. _____________________________ Fees and Interest.

Where do you place loan interest in the trading account and is it an expense?

As an expense, loan interest should be placed in the debit side of the Profit & Loss A/c and not in the Trading a/c.

how does income and expenses account difference from Profit and Loss Account?

Income and expense for not for profit organisations is same as profit and loss account but they cannot use the name profit and loss account because not for profit organisations are not formed to earn profit.

Why profit and loss account is called as profit and loss account and why not profit or loss account?

Tradition, and the need to call it something.