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It mainly has to do with your metabolism. I'm 15 and smoke weed but im I'm only 93 lbs and I have a very high metabolism. Someone with more fat glands and a lower metabolism will have weed in their system for up to a month. But someone with a low metabolism like me only has it in their system for about 1-2 weeks. Hope this helped!

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Q: Can a person's weight have anything to do with how long marijuana stays in your system?
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When is the weight system for marijuana?

Grams, ounces, pounds and kilo's.

How long does marijuana with pcp in it stay in your system?

It depends on how often you consume marijuana, your weight, and other factors. The marijuana will be the last to leave your system and can take a week to 60 days.

How long would it take for marijuana to leave my system i weigh 95 pounds and have high metabolism?

At a weight of 95 pounds and a high metabolism, marijuana would probably remain in your system for at least 30 days. Regardless of your weight or metabolism, marijuana stays in most people's body for 30 days or longer.

What is the total weight of your immune system?

your immune system does not weigh anything.

Can people gain weight if you continue to smoke marijuana?

Yes. People actually tend to gain weight while smoking marijuana due to the effects of increased appetite and decreased energy. However, THC is stored in a person's fat cells, therefore the more weight you gain, the longer marijuana will be traceable in your system

Can marijuana help you loss wait?

Marijuana causes weight GAIN not loss. A common side effect is "the munchies", where you ravenously devour anything that resembles food. Marijuana is frequently used by AIDS victims to help give them an appetite.

How much water must one consume in order to rid marijuana from the system in 3 days?

the amount of you body weight.

How do you weight marijuana?

With a scale.

How fast can you lose weight from smoking marijuana?

You don't lose weight from smoking marijuana. You gain weight because you get the munchies when high, and eat a lot.

If you have smoked weed for over ten years and stopped a month ago how long will it take to leave your system?

The THC in marijuana can stay in the system from 3-90 days, depending on your height and weight (BMI). The chemical is fat soluble and can store in the fat cells of the body. THC in marijuana if smoked occasionally up to 10 days, if smoked regularly as long as 45 days, if ingested anything up to 90days.

How long does it take for marijuana to leave your unborn babys system?

Around 3 months. THC (the active chemical in Marijuana) is stored in fat sells so depending on the weight of the mother and baby it could be more or less.

How much weight is a dub of marijuana?
