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The Indo-pacific Humpbacked Dolphin inhabits the Inian Ocean and south-west pacific and is also found in the Yangtze River.

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Q: Can a salt water dolphin survive physiologically in a freshwater environment?
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How do dolphins take in enough water from their environment to survive?

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It would depend on the nature of the environment. Platypuses are specially adapted to live in freshwater creeks and rivers within bushland or rainforest. As long as they had access to clear, freshwater rivers and creeks where they could feed and dig their burrows, and some tree shelter overhead, they could (arguably) survive.

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penguins don't breathe water, so yeah, as long as the environment fits there needs and food supply is met.

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There are freshwater trout. For them it's no problem.

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What are facts about freshwater?

that they have no problem to survive

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no, as brine shrimp are saltwater animals and will not survive in freshwater.

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