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That depends on your oppinion. The curriculum is what is planned for everybody to do through out the day. In my opinion, no a school cannot exist without a curriculum. if their is no curriculum everything would be chaos. nobody would go because you wouldn't have anything planned to do and you would have no classes. That's just my opinion though.

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No. Curriculum is what is taught. Otherwise people would just sit around all day not learning.

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Q: Can a school exist without a curriculum?
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How does a strong belief or philosophy influence curriculum?

A strong belief or philosophy can shape curriculum by influencing decisions about what content to include, how to approach teaching and learning, and what values to emphasize. It can guide the selection of materials, design of learning experiences, and assessment methods to align with the underlying belief system. Ultimately, it can have a profound impact on the overall educational experience of students.

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It depends. If the curriculum has changed within the time you have been out of school, you will be required to complete all the requirements as they exist at present.It depends. If the curriculum has changed within the time you have been out of school, you will be required to complete all the requirements as they exist at present.It depends. If the curriculum has changed within the time you have been out of school, you will be required to complete all the requirements as they exist at present.It depends. If the curriculum has changed within the time you have been out of school, you will be required to complete all the requirements as they exist at present.It depends. If the curriculum has changed within the time you have been out of school, you will be required to complete all the requirements as they exist at present.It depends. If the curriculum has changed within the time you have been out of school, you will be required to complete all the requirements as they exist at present.

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Schools play a vital role in shaping curriculum by selecting, organizing, and delivering content to meet educational goals. Schools influence curriculum through decisions on what subjects to teach, how to allocate resources, and how to implement teaching strategies. The curriculum reflects the school's values, priorities, and educational aims, impacting the learning experiences of students.

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Curriculum~ The subjects comprising a course of study in school or college.

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How do I find a school curriculum?

To find a school curriculum, you can start by researching educational websites and platforms that offer curriculum resources. Many state education departments and school districts also provide curriculum guidelines or sample curriculum online. Additionally, you can reach out to local schools or homeschooling organizations for recommendations and resources.