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No. The contingency that triggers payment of a life insurance is the death of the named insured. That person could have changed the beneficiary designation prior to his/her death. Even if the policy had given the power to change the beneficiary to another person, the change would have had to be exercised before the named insured dies.

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Q: Can a spouse change their deceased spouses designated beneficiary on a life insurance policy?
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Can a spouse change there deceased spouses beneficiary name on a life insurance policy?

The owner of the policy can change the beneficiary of the policy. If the original beneficiary has died before the insured, the owner of the policy can designate a new beneficiary at any time.

Spouses right if removed from life insurance as beneficiary?

Generally, the owner of the policy has the right to choose their beneficiary.

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No, if she was the named beneficiary the benefits belongs to her, and she has no legal responsibility for the deceased's children.

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The person designated as the primary beneficiary in the deceased's will is typically first in line for inheritance. If there is no will, inheritance may be determined by state intestacy laws, with close family members like spouses and children usually having priority. Consulting with a legal professional can provide clarity on specific inheritance circumstances.

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In the state of Georgia if a spouse receives life insurance benefits is the surviving spouse responsible for the deceased spouse debt if surviving spouse's name is not on any of the debt owed?

In Georgia, as in most states, life insurance proceeds to a named beneficiary become the property of the beneficiary and are therefore not accessible to the creditors of the decedent. Of course, this does not apply to joint debt between the spouses or any debt solely in the name of the surviving spouse. In short, if the surviving spouse's name is not on the debt of the decedent, the surviving spouse has no legal obligation to pay such debt.

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Not individually, but the deceased's estate may well be subject to being charged for the expenses not covered by any existing insurance.

Is a surviving spouse and sole beneficiary responsible in Manitoba for the Credit card debt of the deceased?

Unless both spouses signed the credit card agreement, the answer is no. The debt can only be charged against the property of the deceased, but must be fully paid (or paid as much as it can be in the case of an insolvent estate) before anything can be paid to the spouse.

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Sure, why not?

What happens if the beneficiary listed in a will can not be located?

If the primary or secondary beneficiaries cannot be located, and there is no residuary clause (the safety net), then it is as if there were no will at all, and the local laws of intestacy would apply. If none of the relatives listed (spouse, children, parents, grandparents, cousins, etc) can be found, or if they have pre-deceased the testator, then the estate escheats to the state treasury. This could take years; making certain nobody else can be found.