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yes because im taking 20 mg and felling middle left side back pain

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Q: Can adderall make your back hurt with taking 20mg?
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Is two 10 mg Adderall XL the same as one 20 mg Adderall XL?

First, it is Adderall XR. And yes 2 10mg of immediate relase Adderall is equivalent to Adderall XR 20mg. The Adderall XR is time released so if you are taking Adderall XR 20mg, 10mg will be released immediately and 10mg will be released 4 hours later.

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Could high doses of Adderall cause nerve damage?

Yes it could cause nerve damage. It's amphetamines- speed. If you take too much it could kill you. Adderall carries the risk of heart attack and stroke.AnswerIf you are used to taking adderall and have been taking it for a while then it will not hurt to start taking higher doses if it does not help with your focus factor. But you should not go over 60g. a day.I don't think it causes nerve damage. I ingested a months supply on a 2day binge. No damage, wasn't very fun either.No, you should be fine. It may hurt your nasal passage if snorted regularly, though.

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Highly unlikely, but if taken in large amounts may hurt your stomache.

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you might have to have your apendics taking out if i was you i would go check it out at the doctors

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Ive never heard of that, but i do not see any correlation between the too.

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How can you clear your system if you snorted Adderall?

Adderall will usually clear your system after three days. Adderall is a drug for A.D.D. and after three days will leave your body. Be safe and wait 6 days b4 testing, drink a bunch of water as adderall is dehydrating anyway, some acidic cranberry juice, not pills, couldnt hurt in cleaning u out. Adderall is not water soluble and will pretty much stay until the half life cycle is complete

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While pregnant, it's not a good idea to take any type of drug as your baby relies on you for everything and gets its nutrients and stuff from you. Talk to your doctor to be sure, but I would suggest against taking any drug, even smoking a joint or something.

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