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No, this is not a general valid method.

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Q: Can all types of compounds be purified by activated carbon?
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In the classification of matter what are two pure substances?

The two types of matter that are pure substances are elements and compounds.

What are the compounds that are made of carbon and hydrogen?

Compounds that are made of carbon and hydrogen are called hydrocarbons. They are the simplest organic compounds and can be classified into different types such as alkanes, alkenes, and alkynes based on the types of carbon-carbon bonds present. These compounds are the basis for many organic molecules found in nature and are essential for life.

What types of atoms form organic compounds?


What types of molecules contain carbon?

Organic compounds contain carbon and also usually hydrogen.

What is the study of organic compounds?

carbon and hydrgen atom (Expansion): Organic chemistry is the study of organic compounds. An organic compound is any compound that contains at least one carbon atom, with the exception of several types of molecules including CO and CO^2, which are technically inorganic.

What are the difference between organic and inorganic compounds?

Organic compounds contain carbon and are commonly found in living organisms, while inorganic compounds do not contain carbon and are typically mineral-based. Organic compounds are typically covalently bonded, while inorganic compounds can have a variety of bonding types. Additionally, organic compounds often have more complex structures and are involved in biochemical processes.

Types of compounds that use prefixes in their names are?

Some types of compounds that use prefixes in their names are covalent compounds, particularly binary covalent compounds formed between nonmetals. These prefixes indicate the number of atoms of each element present in the compound. Examples include carbon dioxide (CO2) and dinitrogen tetroxide (N2O4).

What are the kinds of carbon compounds?

The main kinds of carbon compounds include hydrocarbons (such as alkanes, alkenes, and alkynes), alcohols, organic acids, esters, amines, and polymers. Carbon compounds can have different structures and properties depending on the arrangement of carbon atoms and the presence of other elements like hydrogen, oxygen, nitrogen, and halogens.

What are the four types of carbon compounds found in living things?

- Carbohydrates- Proteins- Lipids- Nucleic acids

Organic compounds always contain?

Organic compounds always contain carbon atoms bonded to hydrogen atoms. Additionally, they may also contain other elements such as oxygen, nitrogen, sulfur, or halogens. The presence of carbon-hydrogen bonds is a defining characteristic of organic compounds.

How are inorganic chemical substances different to organic compounds?

organic compounds contain carbon atoms.the four main types of organic compouds areCarbohydrateslipidsproteinsnucleic acids

What are the chemical compounds of fossil fuels what are they called?

The chemical compounds found in fossil fuels are primarily hydrocarbons composed of carbon and hydrogen atoms. The main types of fossil fuels include coal (predominantly carbon), crude oil (a mixture of hydrocarbons), and natural gas (primarily methane). These compounds are responsible for producing energy when burned.