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1 yes when electron moving in a shell

2 aeroplanes when moving in skies

3 when we are travelling in a bus or car

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1w ago

Yes, an object can have both potential and kinetic energy at the same time. For example, a swinging pendulum has potential energy at its highest point (due to its height above the ground) and kinetic energy at its lowest point (due to its motion).

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of course

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Q: Can an object have both potential and kinetic energy?
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What has both kinetic and potential energy?

A falling object.

How is potential and kinetic energy alike?

Potential and kinetic energy are both forms of mechanical energy. They are related to the position and motion of an object, respectively. Both types of energy can be converted from one to the other and together make up the total energy of a system.

What is an objects total and potential energy?

An objects total kinetic and potential energy is when both things are moving (kinetic) and the energy is stored in the object (potential)

Can an object have both mechanical and kinetic energy?

If an object has kinetic energy, then almost BY DEFINITION it has mechanical energy. "Mechanical energy" is the sum of kinetic energy and potential energy.


An objects total kinetic and potential energy is when both things are moving (kinetic) and the energy is stored in the object (potential)

Mechanical energy is a term that is used to describe?

Mechanical energy is the sum of kinetic energy and potential energy of some object. So any object in motion, has potential to be in motion, or has both has mechanical energy. Your car in motion has kinetic energy and potential for more kinetic energy in the gasoline that it runs on. So your car has mechanical energy. Or you up on the three-meter diving board at the pool have potential for kinetic energy when you take a swan dive off that board. You have mechanical energy there. But, bottom line, pretty much any object that is either in motion or can be put into motion has a form of mechanical energy.

when a dog sleeping which energy potential enrgy or kinetic?

potential energy is the energy created due to stress on an object, Kinetic energy is the energy an object possess due to its motion, so a dog sleeping has neither of both.

Do flying objects have mechanical energy?

Yes, flying objects have mechanical energy which is the sum of their kinetic energy (energy of motion) and potential energy (energy of position). The amount of mechanical energy depends on the speed and height of the flying object.

Can an object be both kinetic and potential energy explain?

Yes, because potential energy is energy that is stored in an object. Kinetic energy is the energy that is associated with motion. So what you have to have is an object that is in motion but still has more energy that it has yet to convert into kinetic energy. A perfect example of this would be an object that is falling but has not yet hit the ground. This object would have kinetic energy because it is in motion. But it would also have potential energy because it has a ways yet to fall before it lands.

What is an example of gravitational energy transforming to mechanical energy?

Gravitational potential energy IS mechanical energy. Mechanical energy includes both kinetic energy, and potential energy.When an object falls, gravitational potential energy will be converted to KINETIC energy.

Why does a moving object gain mass?

Mass is the sum of energies, both kinetic and potential. As the velocity increases so does the kinetic energy of object.

Is an objects total kinetic and potential energy?

both depends on the size of the mass of the object