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Your body naturally filters out lactose but there is another bacteria that cannot be filtered out that is found in milk. and some children are allergic to it and not lactose. can you eat cheese? Cheese and milk have the same lactose but not the same bacteria potency. my daughter was breast fed and if I drank milk she got ill, there is no way she is lactose intolerant, she can eat cheeses and other dairy products. If it had been the lactose the breasts would have eliminated it. It would not have made her sick. She still can not drink milk from a jug. She can have milk that does not require refridgeration. The same thing would apply to an unborn child I would imagine, just think of your body as a filtration system.

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You are probably lactose intolerant

Does warm milk make you poop?

If you're lactose intolerant, sure.

Are large ice cream manufactures altering ice cream in the last couple of months every time your mom or you eat a little ice creare you get violently sick and neither one of us is lactose intolerant?

Ice cream manufactuers are always looking for ways to improve their product which does mean they can sometimes change their recipe to make it cheaper to make, better quality etc. Ice creams contain milk and/or cream therefore if you are lactose intolerant then you should go and see your GP. The GP can do a simple test where you drink a cup of lactose solution (tastes fairly sweet as it is milk sugar) then every 10 mins your lactose levels are tested with a machine. If your lactose levels remains quite stable for the test then it shows that your body is not breaking down lactose and that you are lactose intolerant. Being lactose intolerant is not the end of the world as there is many diffrent products that have been and are being developed for people with intoleratants to some foods.

Is dairy bad for you?

If you're lactose intolerant (you're body cant use the lactose in dairy) it won't be good for you. Often lactose intolerant people who ingest dairy products suffer from anything from gaseous pains to near allergic-reactions.Otherwise, just make sure the dairy is pasteurized.

Can lactose intolerant people drink a cappuccino?

Cappuccino involves milk, which was lactose in it, so no. Go buy yourself soya milk or lactose free and cappuccino sachets and make it home made.

Can milk and honey re leave asthma?

No. And if the person with asthma is lactose intolerant, milk may make it worse.

Can one day old pizza make you sick?

If it was left out at room temperature, yes it could make you sick.

If you are lactose intolerant can you have birthday cake?

You can but you have to make substitutions. Here are some alternative cakes and ways to make it safer for those with lactose intolerance:

What is a lactose?

Lactose is a sugar found in milk (particularly cow's milk). Some people can not digest this sugar - they are genetically unable to make the enzyme lactase!. The sugar therfore remains in the gut where gut bacteria and fungi feast on it causing stomach problems. When this happens the person is said to be "lactose Intolerant".

Can lactose make us sick?

Lactose is a sugar found in milk. In healthy adults it is generally not a problem, however if someone is lactose intolerant it can cause discomfort and bloating. If a person has some forms of inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) lactose can be quite irritating and painful. Most Americans lose the ability to efficiently digest lactose in adulthood. However, those from certain backgrounds retain this ability for most if not all of their life.

Should you heat some milk up for your cats cold?

No. Kittens need milk from their mother but after that milk is bad for most cats. A large percent of cats are lactose intolerant so cow milk will make them sick. However, the taste of milk is very appealing to cats so feel free to give it to a non lactose intolerant cat.

How old do kittens have to be before they can have cow's milk?

Under NO circumstances give any cat cow's milk, the high lactose level will make them sick. Kittens can tolerate some lactose in milk but all adult cats are completely lactose intolerant!If you want to offer your cat milk, used only milk formulated specifically for cats (i.e. lactose free with taurine added).