

Can animals invent

Updated: 9/20/2023
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Q: Can animals invent
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How do you invent a new thing?

we can invent a new things by discovering whatever we see. If we want to invent a robot animal , we should discover the animals whatever we need to invent. For example; if we want to invent a robot grass hopper we should discover the insect.

What year did god invent horses?

When God created all the animals

Should animals not have rights?

Animals should not have Human Rights BEFORE or IF we ever invent a device that can help us communicate with them.

Did the Greeks invent wool?

No, actually, animals invented wool, because they grow it as fleece.

What animal did Athena invent?

None; Athena may turn people into animals but she did not create any.

Did a cat invent time?

I don't know why it is a cat. I think the answer is no because cats are just animals. They can't invent time at all. I think they are smart but I don't they invented time.

Did josh Wedgwood invent the mule?

Nobody invented the mule. Mules are living animals related to the horse.

Who invented chinchillas?

Animals aren't invented!They can be crossbred to form a new breed but that only works with animals of similar or the same species. So nobody can invent a chinchilla.

What if people didn't invent tech?

If people didn't invent tech than we would be nothing better than dirt, because then we would not know anything or even have thoughs or free will. Even animals can invent their ways of tech. So to answer your question, The homosapians would be extinct.

What are significant differences between men and animals?

Man can do lots of things that animals cant do, for example, man can invent, can discover lots of thing while animals do not. Animals use only their instinct while man have the ability to think, can overcome their handicaps. Man go to school to study while animals do not.

What kind of weapons did the paleo Indians invent?

I only know one the thing they invented which was the ATLATL it helped them capture animals from a distance.

Did Romans invent eating?

No, the Romans didn't invent eating. Early Neanderthals realized they needed to eat to survive, so I guess tha..No, no-one Invented eating, animals just kinda realized that if they didn't eat, then they would die.