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Q: Can benzene be stored in a container of any size?
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Any sandwich should be stored in an airtight container or plastic baggie in the refrigerator.

How is water stored?

In our bodies, it's stored inside the cell within a vacuole. In general, it can be stored in any stable container that is not punctured.

What kind of matter takes the shape and size of any container?

A gas will take on the size and shape of a container. Liquids and solids will not.

What does the volume of any gas depend upon the size of?

its container

Does benzene conduct electricity?

No, Benzene does not conduct electricity. Contrary to graphite which has a delocalized pi electron which enables current to pass, benzene's dolocalized pi electron cloud is in the benzene ring, and is unable to partake in any electrical conductivity activity.

What is Substances that assume the shape of their container but do not have the definite size are called?

Substances that assume the shape of their container but do not have a definite size is water or any liquid substance.

How would you store your food?

The foods should always be stored in a plastic container. it should not be stored in any metal container as it gets corroded by acids present in the food and thus makes it toxic which act as poison in our body.

Substances that assume the shape of their container but do not have a definite size?

Substances that assume the shape of their container but do not have a definite size is water or any liquid substance.

How many liters can a container take?

A "container" can be of any size, it could hold a litre or it could hold 20 litres. Please say a specific size in this kind of question.

How is gas able to to fill a container of any shape or size?

Because gas has no shape and gases adopt the shape of that container in which gas is placed.

Takes the shape and size of any container?

Matter in the liquid state can take the shape of a container. However, a liquid has a definite volume. On the other hand, a gas can do both, that is take the shape and volume or size of a container.

Why does hydrogenation have no effect on benzene?

If you could add a pair of hydrogen ions to any double bond of the benzene ring it would not be benzene anymore, on the one hand.