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It depends what kind of bird. Wild birds? If so, it depends on that kind of bird. Some wild birds do bathe in winter. House birds? Well, I just bathed my little birds last week, so it would be ok. That wont catch a chill. Just make sure to dry them off and put a blanket over the cage.

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13y ago
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10y ago

Yes , rapidly dropping temperatures can sap birds of critical energy and body heat and it is possible for the smaller birds to freeze to death in a cold snap .

Birds are well equipped to survive the coldest of temperatures . They'll store fat during the short days of Winter to keep themselves warm during the long nights . During these freezing nights , they'll fluff their feathers to trap heat and slow their metabolism to conserve energy . They'll also look for good places to roost , whether it's a birdhouse , natural tree cavity , grass thicket , evergreen or shrub .

> A peanut-butter & jelly sandwich is a good food for wild birds because of the nutrients in the peanut-butter and the sugars in the jelly .

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14y ago

no, ducks can live up to 100 years! Of COURSE they don't freeze, they only choke!

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13y ago

No. Because their tootsies are measured in inches not FEET! and you cannot possibly say -Do birds inches get cold in winter!

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13y ago

Yes, penguins live in the snow.

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The main reason that birds fly south in the winter is because they can't stay in a cold place so they fly south to a warmer place during the winter.

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my guess is coz some birds can tolerate cold weather while others can't

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