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Maybe, but it will affect the unborn child.

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Q: Can cocaine use effect a pregnancy test?
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Can you fail a test for cocaine if you use hydrocodone?

No. Hydrocodone will only test positive for opiates. Hydrocodone will not test positive for cocaine metabolites.

When do you take a pregnancy test while on birth control?

You can use a pregnancy test at anytime while on the pill (it will not effect the test), if you normally have bleeding while taking the sugar pills, wait to see if the bleeding is late or the day before you start your new packet to test for pregnancy.

Do blood tests during pregnancy show cocaine?

yeah , but it depends on how many days are inbetween the blood test and the use of it . it's the same for any drug

Can you test positive by sleeping with someone on cocaine?

As long as you didn't use any cocaine it will not show up on your drug test.

How do you test cocaine?

Do you have a specific reason for not buying a drug test? I mean for only cocaine the test is just $2.25. Here is the link

Can you drink a gallon of water for up to 5 days and pass a drug test for cocaine im a frequent user?

No, but you can not use cocaine and pass a drug test for cocaine.

Can pass use of cocaine effect a newborn?

yes you can

What major organs does cocaine use effect?

All of them

Can cocaine come out on a mouth swab?

You pass the test easily if you don't use cocaine. Otherwise, only time can help you.

Will a methadone user test positive for cocaine?

NO.....I am mdone and know for a fact no methdone use will not show as cocaine

What does blue mean on a pregnancy test?

It depends on what that pregnancy test uses to indicate pregnancy. Read the directions carefully to see what they use to indicate a positive or negative pregnancy test.

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