

Can element 115 make zombies

Updated: 9/19/2023
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Q: Can element 115 make zombies
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Is the story about the elements in nazi zombie real?

element 115 is not real element that makes zombies but im petty sure they will discover the element 115 but it woundn't make zombies in real life.

How did the zombies get to 5 in call of duty black ops?

element 115

Why do the zombies eyes in cod glow yellow?

It's from exposure to Element 115.

If you mix element 115 from the periodic table with humans do you get Zombies?

it might do but no one is sure of it

Is 115 A Number To Be Afraid Of?

It is the atomic number for the element, Ununpentium. In zombies the purple substance that is seen in the teleporters is thought to be it.

Can people make zombies with element 155?

No, stop playing Nazi Zombies and go outside.

Can element 115 make a ray gun?

No it Can't.

How were zombies made in COD?

Dr. Richtofen was experimenting with the element 115 which is Unumpentium, when things got out of hand, he accidentally killed his daughter, and the chemical spread.

What does the song in kino der toten say?

it talks about the element 115 and how she can control them to kill your team therefore making the zombies a lot harder to kill

What creates the zombies in Call of Duty zombies?

The group 935 was tested on teleporters in der reise and turned them into zombies. the dogs were made by Samanthas dog,fluffy, goi through the teleporter. it didnt g o to the mainframe, but spawned out of nowhere. doctor richtofen and doctor maxis the element from the meteor at shi no numa. element 115.

Is element 115 real?

element 115 is real. It is known as ununpentium.

What did element 115 do?

Element 115 made power for nuclear reactors.Element 115 also made new weapons for the U.S.