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Yes, the two live together in many sreams in the Amazon basin.

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Q: Can freshwater stingrays live with paranas?
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Where do stingrays live?

Well, they live in the the bottom of the ocean. They can live in fresh water in any tropical region in Asia, Africa and anywhere in the USA.They live in the ocean bed!Where do stingrays live?Stingrays can be found in both freshwater and marine habitats throught the world. Most of the river stingrays of the Family Potamotrygonidae live permanently in freshwater and have lost the ability to survive in marine habitats. Atlantic stingrays living in Florida's St. Johns River also seem to spend their entire life in freshwater, but are capable of adapting to saltwater in controlled laboratory settings. The picture to the left shows an Atlantic stingray in the clear waters of one of Florida's freshwater springs. Other stingrays live mostly in saltwater. However, many species are "euryhaline" or capable of living in waters of a wide range of salinity. Therefore, these species can often be found in freshwater habitats for extended periods of time.

Do small stingrays eat neon tetra?

Saltwater stingrays would never come in contact with neon tetras, and if you were to try to put them in the same tank then one would die because it would be in the wrong type of water. So, saltwater stingrays do not eat neon tetras. On the other hand, there are freshwater types of stingrays. Those stingrays are able to live in freshwater and require very similar water temperature as the neon tetra. But, freshwater stingrays have a venomous stinger, and there is a risk that they could breed and populate the local lakes and rivers. That poses a great danger to people who use the lakes for recreation. So, in the United States it is usually illegal to buy a freshwater stingray. So, freshwater stingrays might eat neon tetras, but its illegal to obtain them, so you probably wont ever have to worry about your neon tetra being eaten by a freshwater stingray.

Is the giant freshwater stingray endangered?

Stingrays are not endangered.

How long is gestation period of freshwater stingrays?

something that is what i know

What continent do stingrays live on?

Stingrays live in the ocean, not on any continent.

How wide can stingrays get?

the biggest one Is the giant freshwater stingray it is 6.2 ft.

What kind of water do stingrays live in?

There are two categories of stingrays, freshwater and saltwater. Both eat shrimp, clams, krill, other small fish, and plants. Although they are constantly having water flow over their gills, stingrays extract water from their food, like many other sea animals.

What ecosystem do stingrays live in?

Most stingray species live in salt water environments like oceans that are located in temperate or tropical regions. However, there are a few species that also live in warm freshwater environments.

What fish go with freshwater stingrays?

do you know what fish will go well with rays thankyou

Are there stingrays in the Amazon River?

yes there is sting rays and freshwater dolphins in the amazon river

Do stingrays live in groups?

some stingrays "like" to live in groups, there social animals when young.

Were do paranas live?

piranhas live in the nile river they like to stay wet because there a fish. They also live in the amazon river.