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hi there lm sorry to hear about your guinea pig and five babies Sadly our guinea pig too has just given birth to six perfectly formed babies but sadly all of them too were born dead lm not an expert at all, but have breed guinea pigs for about 15 years and it really is not very unsual for something like this to sadly happen Five or more is a large number for the mother to give birth too Sometimes this kind of death does not have a real explanation and in a way lm pleased that l was there when the last 2 babies were born there was nothing l could do as l tried they were obviously already dead before they were born and lm sure it was similar with yours just like me even if you had been there it would have been impossible to have helped them lm already preparing myself for the possibility of the mother also dying lm afraid its a sad fact that life and death are closely related and l think you have to tell yourself that there was not anything you could have done because l was there and still couldn't Hope this helps a bit l understand how sad it feels when this happens

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Q: Can guinea pigs get stuck inside the mother and be born dead if you are not there because i think it happened to mine i walked in one morning and five babies were laying there dead and then she died.?
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What is the most babies a guinea pig has ever had?

well in one go a female guinea pig can have 20 babies sbut the most i have seen n one go are 60

What part of the day do guinea pigs have babies?

Guinea pigs, most likely have their babies during the night. I know that when I had my pregnant guinea pig, I kept her in my room until she had babies. She woke me in the middle of the night with her sounds while giving birth.

What age should guinea pigs stop getting pregnant?

They stop having babies at six monthes of age. after that, if the guinea pig get pregnant, babies cant be born which would kill the mother because a couple bones close after that age and babies cant come out.

Care for a female guinea pig when babies have died?

How Terrible!! =[ If there are any other nursing guinea pigs around, they will nurse babies that they did not give birth to. Whenever something like this happens, you need to find a really good pet store and veterinarian places to provide nutriton to the babies. Whenever my guinea pigs have babies and find out something like this happened to somebody, I myself would take care of the babies that lost their mother and then return them to their owners. Anyways, it doesn't take long at all before guinea pigs start to eat solid food. They are born with teeth just like they are born with hair.

How many baby do guinea pigs have?

guinea-pigs are expected to produce between 1-6 babies per litter. Anywhere from 1-8 on average 3-4the average is 1-4 in a litter, but it can sometimes be as many as 7My guinea-pig had her second litter early this morning and both times she has had seven babies.Or up to eight, dependsAnswerFor a first birth they often only have one or two. But after that they can have anywhere from2 to 6. The most common number is two.Guinea pigs can have between 3 and 8 babies.A guinea pig can have up to 8 babies in one litter. Their average is 2 to 5.7guinea pigs can have 2 to 6 babies.

Related questions

How much babies does a guinea pig have?

Well, my guinea pig had 8 on her first liter. I think they usually have four or so babies a guinea pig has 2 to 6 babies in one litter.

How do you delievr guinea pigs babies?

you don't deliver the guinea pig babies. let the mother do her job. let nature take it's course. but i must warn you not to touch the guinea pig babies because the mother might not take care of them.

Will 4 week old guinea pig babies be ok without the mom because the mom died?

no because the babies need the milk of course maybe you should go out and buy another guinea pig

Do all guinea pigs have their babies at night?

no our guinea pig had her babies at around 2 in the afternoon

How to tell if you guinea pig has had babies before?

Unfortunately, there is no way to tell if a guinea pig has ever had babies before.

Are other female guinea pigs ok in the cage with guinea pig babies and the mother?

I would not recommend it. Just have the Mother Guinea Pig in with her babies separately. Sometimes the other guinea pigs can get excited and accidentally stomp the babies to death so best to keep Mom & babies separate.

Do female guinea pigs bite other female guinea pigs?

no because they are both female but they would fight if they wanted to make babies with a male.

Does a guinea pig miscarriage?

yes, they can do, but the babies or baby can be saved, there re all sorts of reasons for a miscarriage, one is maybe the sack that the babies were in hasn't been released by the mother so they cant breathe, i know because this has happened to me once before hope this is useful info

Do male guinea pigs have to be separated from their babies?

No,some male guinea pigs actually help clean and care for babies

Can a guinea pig just have 2 babies?

yes a guinea pig can have two babies if the conditions are correct and the fertilization is proper

Does the father have to stay away from his baby guinea pigs?

Yes,he should be separated from the mother as well as the babies because he can cause serious problems to the babies such as pregnant among baby Guinea Pigs,injuries,etc. When the babies are at two weeks old,you should distinguish between male and female baby Guinea Pigs and separate the male baby Guinea Pigs from the females.You can put the male babies with their father and the baby females with their mother.

What do thay call guinea pigs babies?

They are known as Guinea Piglets.