

Can guinea pigs sleep outside

Updated: 8/9/2023
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6y ago

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Guinea pigs can stay "outside" as long as they have a hutch of cage that is raised off the ground and may provide shelter for them if it starts to rain, ect. If you are choosing to have a pet guinea pig, It is best to keep them inside if you have the time to clean out their cage 2-3 times a week. If your looking for a low maintence pet, you could always keep them outside. This will affect its behaviour, and I reacently had a guinea pig that died of fright from a snake in our yard. Now I keep all my guinea pigs inside.

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6y ago

They can, but it is not recommended. They are much happier in side as they are with you, it is warmer and it is safer. Please keep your guinea pigs inside if you can.
Im sure they can but not in the winter time. Rabbits sleep outside but they can't be out there in the winter time either.

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Flowers and leaves are poisonous to guinea pigs but they can eat grass and dirt. Hope this helps!

Do quinea pigs sleep?

i think they do. my guinea pigs make noise when im sleeping but sometimes they dont so yes they do sleep