

Best Answer

Yes, anything can be get on pubic hair just like anything will stick to head hair.

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Womens pubic hair?

pupose of women pubic hair

Do guys care about the hair by girls pubic hair?

Nope, they have hair there too

Why do pubic hair hurt after guys shave?

your facial hair is connected to your head hair and your pubic hair as you cut your facial hair your nerves in your skin tell you that your pubic hair is getting cut but is really not

Do guys mind pubic hair?

it's a personal preference.

Do guys like girls with hair below?

No, pubic hair is a complete turn-off for men

What is the average age of noticalbe signs of puberty and what are the stages in guys?

Pubic hair, Facial hair from age 9-16 But for girls it is Periods Pubic hair, ages 8-14

Do Guys Get Turned Off By Womens Pubic Hair?

Most men aged 18 - 40 in the US do - in modern times, female pubic hair has fallen out of favor, my theory is due to the widespread acceptance of pornography since the 90's, when most female porn stars shaved, then laser hair removal treatments became available, which upped the comfort level, making it permanent and popular.

What is Alexandria's genesis?

only in womens, a rare genetic mutation that makes your eyes purple, effect no pubic hair will grow, no menstruation but are fertile

Why is it an indication of puberty for girls?

chest growing-hurts when it hits something or running/jumping, discharge, pubic hair, under arm hair, period, and growth spurts.

Can you have pubic hair on your breast?

No. You can have hair on your breasts, but pubic hair is in the pubic area of your body.

What is a guys puberty?

A guy goes through puberty just like girls. Guys develop deeper voices, and pubic hair and some other things.

Styles of pubic hair?

Your hair, your choice. Some guys trim it, some shave it all off and some leave it natural, it is your body so its your choice.