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Nope, you should get it checked out if its serious. If it was a Tick, get it checked out now.

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No, but if you ingest a flea you can.

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Q: Can you catch tapeworm from flea bites?
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When cats eat flea eggs do they hatch into worms?

Yes....By swallowing a flea infected with a tapeworm larvae. This process begins when tapeworm eggs are swallowed by flea larvae (an immature stage of the flea). Contact between flea larvae and tapeworm eggs is thought to occur most frequently in contaminated bedding or carpet. Next, the pet chews or licks its skin as a flea bites; the flea is then swallowed. As the flea is digested within the pet's intestine, the tapeworm hatches and anchors itself to the intestinal lining.

What are the metacestode tapeworm stages?

For Dipylidium caninum (flea tapeworm) it is the cysticercoid

Is flea bites harmful to humans?

well yes flea bites can be harmful to humans but mostly when a flea bites a human it just gets itchy and annoying

Can you get diseases from flea bites?

One disease spread by flea bites was called Black Death.

What was the plague that caused death bite from a flea?

Black death was spread by flea bites. Flea bites transferred Yersinia pestis bacterium.

How do you know if a flea infestation is over?

No more flea bites

Can a flea be a carrier of worms to the human?

The tapeworm Dipylidium caninum can be transmitted when a flea is swallowed by pets or humans.

Can adults get tapeworms from dogs?

No, not from your dog but you could from raw or undercooked pork. If your dog has tapeworms you need to treat with the once a month topical flea & tick killers such as Frontline Plus. You just put a small amount on the skin once a month to keep your pet flea & tick free. The tapeworm needs an intermediate host, the flea, to pass through, then the infected flea is ingested by the dog when it bites at the fleas, so if you keep the fleas off then you keep your pet tapeworm free. In the mean time, treat your dog with a tapeworm dewormer such as Droncit or other dewormers. Be sure to read the label of the dewormer to make sure it will get rid of tapeworms specifically.

Can you get flea bites on your fingers?


Do flea bites always itch?

Flea bites itch because of the bacteria and dirt it puts in you when it bites.

Are flea bites dangerous to babies?

Flea bites can be dangerous to babies. The saliva of fleas contains anticoagulants which can cause severe infections in infants.

Will a dog die because of too many fleas?

"no, it must of died of old age"Ignore above response as actually yes, a dog can die from flea infestation. Pets can contract the following from flea bites: Tapeworm, Dipetalonema reconditum, anemia, flea allergy dermatitis, plague, Haemobartonellosis, and Tularemia. All of which can potentially lead to death if left untreated.