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Q: Can i chew an aspirin for heart chest tightness while on metoprolol?
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My friend is suffering from tightness in his chest and cramps or pins and needles feeling in shoulder and fingers?

If a person is feeling tightness in her chest and having cramps she should go to the hospital. Your friend could be having a heart attack.

What should you do it you feel tightness in your chest and the heart beat is over 90per minute and blood pressure is 99 over 55?

Go to the ER now!

What are the heart attack symptoms in men?

heart attack symptoms are the same in both genders, they include shooting pains in the left arm, tightness in the chest and shortness of breath. so be on the lookout for those.

What are some typical symptoms for anxiety-induced chest pain?

Typical symptoms for anxiety-induced chest pain are pounding heart, sweating, shortness of breath, tightness of the chest, muscle tension, sharp shooting pains into your arms or chest. Thats why its best to err on the side of caution because these signs mimic the signs of a heart attack you should go and get yourself checked out by a physician.

WHAT heart rate will an adult have before giving metoprolol?

An adult's average heart rate is between 60 and 100 beats per minute. The heart rate before administering metoprolol will be higher than after administration.

What do I need to know about heart attack symptoms?

Heart attack symptoms usually involve a tightness in the chest, like a steel band wrapped around it. Pain radiates to the neck and usually, to the left arm. Treat these as medical emergencies!

What can cause hard pressure on the chest but not winded?

Pressure on the chest can indicate cardiac/heart problems. Chest 'pain' is not necessarily felt as 'pain' but can be described as tightness or pressure on the chest and can radiate to the neck, jaw, arm ( especially left arm) or back. It can also be accompanied with sweating and nausea. This can be caused by lack of oxygen to the heart and lead to a heart attack. Chest pressure caused be lack of oxygen can be noticed with activity and then relieved with rest. This is something that can be very serious and needs to be evaluated by a physician right away.

Does a tightness on the left side mean you could suffer a heart attack?

Many people with chest pain fear a HEART ATTACK. However, there are many possible causes of chest pain. Some causes are not dangerous to your health, while other causes are serious and even life-threatening. Any organ or tissue in your chest can be the source of pain, including your heart, lungs, esophagus, muscles, ribs, tendons, or nerves. Pain may also spread to the chest from the neck, abdomen, and back.

If medicated stents were placed in heart valve in July and suffered chest pain and tightness could this be from stents?

Probabably not, it may be caused by something else, or something related, but the best thing to do is to check with your doctor.

How did Angina Pectoris originate?

Angina pectoris is pain or tightness in the chest that is caused by disrupted blood flow to the heart. The condition can be a sign of an impending heart attack, so it is essential to seek treatment at the first signs of severe chest discomfort. A team of doctors can help a patient choose the best angina pectoris treatment for his or her specific situation

Ive had chest tightness back tightness wheezing difficulty swalling and shortness of breath that comes and goes for sometimes as long as weeks What is wrong with me?

It depends on your age and medical history. It could be a few things; heart conditions, allergies, hay fever, collapsed lung,...... the list goes on. The point is, GO TO A DOCTOR. Only a doctor would be able to tell you. You will probably have to have some testing done to help the doctor figure it out. If the chest tightness gets too bad, go directly to the closest E.R.

What does heart disease feel like?

Other symptoms include shortness of breath, chest heaviness, tightness, pain, a burning sensation, squeezing, or pressure either behind the breastbone or in the left arm, neck, or jaws.