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I use rock salt to melt ice and use my brocast spreader to scatter it on my driveway. I have also used the spreader to apply other ice melting products as well with no problem.

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Q: Can i use my scott's broadcast spreader for ice melt?
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Related questions

What would be the reason to buy a salt spreader?

A salt spreader would be a sound purchase in areas where snow and ice accumulate during the winter months. A salt spreader can effectively distribute salt to melt ice and snow so that roads and surfaces become easier to navigate.

What uses does a salt spreader have?

Salt spreaders are used to spread salt onto a surface in order to melt ice and snow in the winter, making it safer to walk and drive. It is possible to use a salt spreader to spread fertilizer, but the spreader must be cleaned very well between uses to prevent contamination.

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What happens if you melt an ice cube?

it will become water If you melt an ice cube it will melt

Is salt the same as ice melt?

no, but ice melt is a salt

Is corundum used to melt ice or as an abrasive?

To melt ice

What is in ice melt?

Ice melt is made up of chemicals that are intended to melt ice. These chemicals often include salt as well.

Can garlic powder melt ice?

No garlic powder can not melt ice.

Will an ice cube melt in oil?

If the oil is warmer than the ice cube then the ice will melt.

What has to happen to melt ice?

the ice melt when there s some heat move into it.

When will ice melt in celcius?

0° Celsius is the temperature at which ice starts to melt.

Will paprika melt ice faster than salt?

Paprika will NOT melt ice.