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Little kids are the intended audience of that movie...

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Do older kids watch little kid shows?

I watch spongebob lol :)

May little kids watch smosh?

if their parents say they can, why not? (yes)

Why do most little kids tend to watch only cartoons and not other kids shows?

Cartoons are often used to present a simplified version of reality, which is easier for little kids to understand.

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It is impossible to determine an exact number of people who like purple as preferences vary among individuals. However, purple is a popular color and many people find it visually appealing.

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PeeWee left because his show was to inappropriate for little kids to watch.

How old do you have to be to watch the three stooges?

There really is no age requirement. For example, I have watched them ever since I was five. Little kids can watch them

Can people just cancel Dora the Explorer already?

There's still little kids who watch it

Do kids watch American Idol?

Most kids do. I allow my children to watch it. But sometimes kids can't watch it.

Is Elmo good for little kids to watch?

Yes it is because toddlers like colourful thing and if he talks that is better to watch toddler's.

Why do teenagers and adults barely watch cartoons everyday?

because the cartoons are meant for little kids or children.

Why is WWE going PG?

I think it was when lita and edge were have sex they thought that was to far for little kids watch