

Can magnets be made

Updated: 5/20/2024
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14y ago

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The metal must be able to conduct an electromagnetic charge.

The most common types of metal that can conduct the charge are, Iron, Cobalt, and Nickel.

Now there are places in the world that naturally have good sources of electromagnetic energy. However there are plenty of machines that provide the same benefit.

Have you ever wondered why you can put magnets onto your refrigerator? Even if your refrigerator is mostly made of plastic and/or foam, it somehow produces enough energy to attract a magnet. The iron coils in the back emit electromagnetic energy, that distributes around the entire fridge, allowing magnets to stick on like magic.

Magnets have two poles, positive energy, and negative energy. Or (going back to science class) Electrons and Protons of atoms. When a piece of iron is exposed to a high percentage of electromagnetic energy the electrons and protons will become charged.

In order to craft a magnet, a piece of iron, cobalt or nickel could simply be hit by a bolt of lightning, or shocked from a generator.

However be very careful when creating a magnet. If it is done in a hazardous fashion the magnet could create explosions or malfunctioning of electrical equipment. Magnets can destroy computers, and even devastate telephone Transformers. Magnets can also screw with radio signals or compasses and make them malfunction.

If you are curious as to where you can find magnets in everyday life here are a few things engineers and scientists use magnets for today:

  • The Superman extreme roller coaster uses magnets to pull the train to give it a strong enough acceleration boost to complete the track.
  • A famous monorail in Japan was the first to use magnets as a clean source of energy to get it smoothly through the city. The magnets are used much like The Superman roller coaster. The magnets are placed on the track and underneath the monorail cars, the forces of the magnets allow the train to literally defy gravity.
  • Another awesome fact about magnets is that our very planet has its own electromagnetic pole. It is the North Pole. Compasses are designed to always point north because the magnet inside was made to pick up electromagnetic charges in the area to show direction.
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9y ago

No, you can't make a motor using only magnets. You also need a coil through which you can pass an electric current, because it is the reaction between the current and the magnets that results in the coil rotating. In addition, you need some means (such as a commutator) of allowing current to connect to the rotating coil as it rotates.

Although like poles of a magnet repel each other, you cannot produce continuous motion by having magnets repel other magnets because the process would have to be 100% efficient for continuous motion to result. There simply is no such thing as a machine that operates with 100% efficiency, and any real machine would simply keep slowing down until it stops!

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1w ago

Yes, magnets can be made by aligning the magnetic domains of a material, such as iron or neodymium. This alignment creates a magnetic field that allows the material to attract or repel other objects.

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14y ago

Magnets can be made from stroking

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13y ago

Magnets are always directional.

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todays magnets are made of alloys yahoo answered this question too. :)

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Magnets is made of iron. Magnets are attracted to anything made out of iron.

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An example of a man-made magnet is an electromagnet. It is created by running an electric current through a coil of wire, which generates a magnetic field. Electromagnets are commonly used in various applications such as electric motors, speakers, and MRI machines.

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since magnets are all ready magnetised when found in nature called natural magnet artificial magnets that are made by man are called artificial magnets

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its made out of magnets

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Are magnets only made from the earth?

Yes, and no. Magnets originally come from the earth but humans found what the were made of and created their own

Is planet made of magnets?

no its made of magnetic materials

What were the first magnets made out of?

The first magnets were made out of a naturally occurring mineral called lodestone. Lodestone is a form of the mineral magnetite and was used by ancient civilizations for its magnetic properties.

Are magnets made up of other magnets?

yes i think so, their made up of lots of other tiny magnets called electromagnets. Not 100% sure so please check.