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yes,because as long as the organism is buried,it can become fossilization

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Q: Can mineral fossilization occur without the presence of water?
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Can mineral fossilization occur without the precence of water?

it is a frozen beach

What type of condition must be for minerals fossilization to occur?

what type of conditionals must be present for mineral fossilization to occur

What type of conditions must be present for mineral fossilization to occur?

An important factor to make fossil formation more likely is rapid burial or coverage of the object so it isn't exposed to much air. There also needs to be an absence of decomposers.

What are the conditions for fossilization?

Fossilization requires quick burial of the organism in sediment or another substance that prevents decomposition. The presence of minerals that can replace the organic material of the organism is also crucial, along with protection from physical and chemical weathering processes. The right environmental conditions, such as low oxygen levels, are also important for fossilization to occur.

What are five ways organisms can be preserved as a fossil?

Successful fossilization or preservation of an organism can occur in several ways: (1) preservation without change; (2) complete replacement by a mineral; (3) filling in of a hollow space by a mineral; (4) formation of a thin film of carbon; and (5) formation of an imprint or the filling in of an imprint.

What are the different types of fossilization that can occur?

Cast, imprint, amber, and frozen

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Can fertilizaton occur without the presence of water?

Of course it can. Only primitive types need water

What is the opposite of Anaerobic?

The opposite of anaerobic is aerobic. Anaerobic processes occur without oxygen, while aerobic processes require oxygen.

Are fossils formed?

There are multiple methods of fossilization, but fossils generally are formed by rapid burial of organisms or traces of organisms by sediments. Fossils occur when the organic material is filled with minerals or the cells of an organism is replaced by the minerals in water. Most of the minerals came from rocks and sands. Here are the conditions for fossilization or permineralization: 1. Mineral-rich water like flood water or ground-erupted water. 2. Lack of oxygen - to prevent decomposition by oxygen. 3. Pressure - particularly in woods so that minerals can seep deep inside. 4. Usually occur within a few years - fossilization must occur quickly before decomposition takes place. When a Plant or animal dies in a watery environment and is buried in sediment or soft tissues quickly decomposed leaving the hard bone or shells behind.

How does (prograde) occur?

In general, the changes in mineral assemblage and mineral composition that occur during burial and heating are referred to as prograde metamorphism.

How does contact (prograde) occur?

In general, the changes in mineral assemblage and mineral composition that occur during burial and heating are referred to as prograde metamorphism.