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No, its a group thing.

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No, natural selection operates at the population level by favoring certain traits that are passed on through generations. It involves differential reproductive success among individuals with certain traits in response to environmental pressures.

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Q: Can natural selection occur in an individual organism?
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Which is not a cause of evolutionary in organasims?

Evolution does not occur as a response to the needs of the organism. It is not driven by individual organisms adapting to their environment, but by the process of natural selection acting on variations within a population over time.

Why does evolution evolution by natural selection can not occur if the variation in a characteristic does not contribute to differences in fitness?

For evolution by natural selection to occur, differences in fitness among individuals must arise due to variations in a characteristic. If the variation in a characteristic does not affect an organism's ability to survive and reproduce (i.e., fitness), there will be no selection pressure acting on that characteristic, and thus no evolution by natural selection will occur.

What is the adaptation in how an organisms body works?

Adaptation is the process by which an organism's body changes in response to its environment to better survive and reproduce. This can involve changes in physical attributes, behaviors, or physiological processes to enhance the organism's chances of survival and reproduction. Adaptations can occur over generations through natural selection or within an individual's lifetime through acclimatization.

What allows natural selection and evolution to occur?

Natural selection and evolution occur when individuals within a population vary in traits that affect their survival and reproduction. Traits that increase an individual's likelihood of survival and reproduction are passed on to the next generation, leading to the accumulation of beneficial traits in the population over time. This process drives the adaptation of populations to their environments.

What is a requirement for evolutionary changes to occur through natural selection?

A requirement for evolutionary changes to occur through natural selection is the presence of genetic variation within a population. This variation can lead to differences in traits that affect an organism's ability to survive and reproduce. Over time, individuals with advantageous traits are more likely to pass on their genes, causing those traits to become more common in the population.

Related questions

What level does natural selection occur at?

natural selection occurs when animals need it

Which is not a cause of evolutionary in organasims?

Evolution does not occur as a response to the needs of the organism. It is not driven by individual organisms adapting to their environment, but by the process of natural selection acting on variations within a population over time.

Is natural selection a raw material for others to occur?

No, natural selection is a mechanism that drives evolutionary change by favoring traits that increase an organism's chances of survival and reproduction. It is not a raw material but a process that leads to the adaptation and diversification of species over time.

Why would natural selection not occur in this poplutation?

What population? Perhaps you mean if there were no variation for natural selection to select from.

What is the third step in natural selection?

There are really no steps in natural selection - just conditions required for it to occur.

Why does evolution evolution by natural selection can not occur if the variation in a characteristic does not contribute to differences in fitness?

For evolution by natural selection to occur, differences in fitness among individuals must arise due to variations in a characteristic. If the variation in a characteristic does not affect an organism's ability to survive and reproduce (i.e., fitness), there will be no selection pressure acting on that characteristic, and thus no evolution by natural selection will occur.

How is genetic diversity important to the concept of natural selection?

Without genetic diversity, natural selection cannot occur

How long does it take for adaptations to occur with natural selection?

Individual animals do not adapt. Adaptation happens over generations within a species in a certain environment.

what causes natural selection to occur?

the presence of predators

How does natural selection produce adaptation's in a species?

the theory of natural selection is where "survival of the fittest" comes from. certain mutations occur in the birth of an organism that may be good or bad. in order to adapt, a species needs to mutate in a certain way in the next generation. this may take hundreds, thousands, or millions of years but eventually the optimal organism will emerge

What is the adaptation in how an organisms body works?

Adaptation is the process by which an organism's body changes in response to its environment to better survive and reproduce. This can involve changes in physical attributes, behaviors, or physiological processes to enhance the organism's chances of survival and reproduction. Adaptations can occur over generations through natural selection or within an individual's lifetime through acclimatization.

Can natural selection occur without variation in a population?

no there is no genetic variation for natural selection to act upon