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If North Korea united with South Korea, and expanded there empire, it is a possibility. Once successful, taking seige of surrounding continents and landmasses would be highly plausable, after so, an economical collapse would rebound across the world. That happening, they could easily conquer there financially uncapable neighbors and beat them into submission.

But this would only happen if a set of new brains led North Korea.

Then again, if North America united, along with China and Russia, to destroy there growing empire once they began warfare, we could easily take out there forces.

But who knows, the future is never set in stone.

But through it all, were all dead in the end.

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11mo ago

It is highly unlikely that North Korea could take over the world, considering the significant military and economic power of other nations. The country faces numerous economic and political challenges and relies heavily on external support. Additionally, the international community has imposed sanctions on North Korea to limit its military capabilities and influence.

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Q: Can north Korea take over the world if they wanted to?
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