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Yes, not getting enough oxygen can and will make you drowsy, also, not getting enough oxygen can cause brain damage.

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Q: Can not getting enough oxygen make you sleepy?
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It has for me for the past 14 years so I believe so. Not really sleepy though just focused. With enough I fall asleep

Why do people feel tired of they dont have enough oxygen?

The human metabolism runs on an oxidation process. Calories are in effect burned, to make chemically useful energy. All the chemical processes of the body are forced to slow down if there is not enough oxygen.

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Ginger. Safe,natural and won't make you sleepy.

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I can't tell if this is a dumb question or if you worded it wrong. Anyway, generally they need 12 hours of sleep a day. Some of this they do during the day (like when no one is home) and at night. Make sure you parakeet is getting enough sleep at night.

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Do contact lens make you yawn?

Yes, they can, especially during the adjustment period. Your eyes dry out faster and don't receive as much oxygen, which leads to the "sleepy" feeling.