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Genital warts can be be passed on to a non carrier.

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Yes, it's possible to spread HPV even if you don't have visible warts. Using condoms is an important strategy to reduce the risk.

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Q: Can one be a carrier of genital warts without the warts?
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Can you get a plantar wart on your finger?

Plantar warts are, by definition, warts on the bottom of your foot or toes. A wart appearing anywhere else on the body is not a plantar wart, even if it's caused by one of the strains of the human papillomavirus that's generally associated with plantar warts. (If you're asking if it's possible for the virus to spread from a plantar wart to other locations on the body: yes, that's possible. But it wouldn't be CALLED a plantar wart; if it appeared on the palm, for instance, it would be a palmar wart.)

How long do warts take to go away?

Without treatment, genital warts may go away on their own, or they may get worse. If warts are causing symptoms, you may consider seeing your health care provider for treatment. Treatment doesn't necessarily make them less contagious. In addition, treatment of warts doesn't increase long-term health risks; warts do not turn into cancer. Without treatment, warts may take months to disappear. Treatment options include creams to use at home, which may take months to see an effect; acid or freezing treatments, which typically take at least two or three treatments a couple of weeks apart; or surgical removal. See related link for reliable information from the CDC regarding genital warts and treatment options.

Are warts transmissible?

YES!!!I did NOT know that until my little boy had one and i just cant seem to get rid of it, so i called my older sister who is a Nurse, has been for YEARS!!! and she said whatever you do... DONT PICK AT IT!!! it is a VIRUS , just like a flu, and contagious and it will spread...........Sorta like conjuntivitis in the eye!!! that fast! (PINK EYE)So DONT touch it,,yes you CAN get it......sorry.

Do frogs cure warts?

No bacause warts are caused by viruses, particulary one of kinds of HPV (human papilloma virus).

How long does it take before frogs give you warts?

That is a myth. Frogs and Toads DO NOT give you warts if you touch them. Warts are caused by a virus that is transmitted from one person to another NOT by frogs.

Related questions

If you have one type of HPV ie warts on the hands face could that possibly transmit to genital HPV?

There are 100 different kinds of hpv, 30 of which are sexually transmitted, 12 of which casue genital warts, and 15 of which can cause cervical cancer. Warts can be spread from any part of the body to any part of the body by skin contact. So, if you have a type of HPV that causes warts, and the warts on on your face, it you have genital contact you could spread that kind of HPV to the genetial area.

What is HPV positive?

HPV is a abreviated term for a longer set of words that mean genital warts. If you are HPV positive you have one or more of the strains of genital warts. Genital warts are transmitted by touching of the mucous membrains of one person to another. Due to the lack of efficacy of condoms in preventing genital warts, 1 in 5 sexually active persons is thought to have HPV. There is now a new vaccination, that helps protect against four of the most common types of HPV. This vaccine s reccomended for females ages 9 to 26 in order to lower the risk of cancers that are associated with having HPV.

What causes an ulcer on a lip?

Warts are caused by one of several related viruses called human papillomaviruses. Some types are associated with genital warts. Other types tend to be responsible for warts on fingers, hands, toes and feet.

Can you get a plantar wart on your finger?

Plantar warts are, by definition, warts on the bottom of your foot or toes. A wart appearing anywhere else on the body is not a plantar wart, even if it's caused by one of the strains of the human papillomavirus that's generally associated with plantar warts. (If you're asking if it's possible for the virus to spread from a plantar wart to other locations on the body: yes, that's possible. But it wouldn't be CALLED a plantar wart; if it appeared on the palm, for instance, it would be a palmar wart.)

What is vaginal redness bumps and itching mean?

By the sound of it, STD. Which one? Well it might be herpes or genital warts. There are other stds with similar symptoms though

How does hpv attack the body?

Depending on the strain of HPV (human papillomavirus), it can cause genital warts (small fleshy bumps or clusters of bumps found on the genital area), an increased risk of cervical cancer, or show no signs or symptoms at all. In most cases, women affected with HPV have the virus and it resolves on its own. If you are sexually active or 21 years or older, it is recommended that you have a Pap smear annually to screen for cervical cancer and other abnormalities (including HPV).

Who can get the HPV vaccine and what does it do?

The approved age range currently is from 9-26. It is recommended that girl receive it between the ages of 12-18, but older women can get it, too.The vaccines provide protection against HPV, different strains of which can cause both genital warts and cervical (and other genital) cancers.Gardasil is also approved for male for the prevention of genital warts. Gardasil has 4 strains of HPV, 2 of which are common cause of genital warts. The Cervarix is only for women because it has only 2 strains (same one as in Gardasil) that commonly seen in cervical cancer.It is thought the protection against HPV will be life long, but the vaccine has not been around long enough for studies to prove this.

How long do warts take to go away?

Without treatment, genital warts may go away on their own, or they may get worse. If warts are causing symptoms, you may consider seeing your health care provider for treatment. Treatment doesn't necessarily make them less contagious. In addition, treatment of warts doesn't increase long-term health risks; warts do not turn into cancer. Without treatment, warts may take months to disappear. Treatment options include creams to use at home, which may take months to see an effect; acid or freezing treatments, which typically take at least two or three treatments a couple of weeks apart; or surgical removal. See related link for reliable information from the CDC regarding genital warts and treatment options.

Can plantar warts be the cause of a positive HPV result on a pap smear or is it only caused by genital warts?

No, plantar warts cannot cause a positive pap smear. For HPV to show up on a pap smear you would have had to be exposed to it during intercourse. Also you can be positive for HPV on pap smear and not have "warts". There are many different strains of HPV and some of them do not cause warts. There are five different strains of the HPV virus that have been linked to cervical cancer and this is why it is important you get tested during a Pap smear. However, the kinds of HPV that are linked to cancer don't usually cause warts. So remember this, just because you don't have warts doesn't mean you don't have some form of HPV. HPV is actually very common and most people who are sexually active have been exposed to some kind of it. If your pap comes back positive for HPV there are many things that your gynecologist can do to prevent progression to cervical cancer. There is no cure for HPV, but the symptoms can be treated. Talk to your doctor about whether you should treat visible warts. They usually go away with no treatment, but they may also spread. Most people decide to treat them because of the symptoms or because of how the warts look. But if you don't have symptoms and are not worried about how the warts look, you can wait and see if the warts go away. If you do decide to treat genital warts, talk to your doctor about the best treatment for you. There are prescription medicines you or your doctor can put on the warts. Or your doctor can remove them with lasers, surgery, or by freezing them off. Even if you treat visible warts or your warts go away without treatment, the HPV infection can stay in your body's cells. It is possible to spread genital warts to your partner even if you have no signs of them. There are over 100 different types of HPV viruses and you can get planter warts from someone who has genital warts. It is a virus that infects your system not just one area of skin. You can get them on your hands, feet, mucus glands(mouth,throat,ect.)genital areas, face, and anus. The virus can be transmitted by direct contact of the infected area to an unaffected area or by touching the warts on someone and then touching your own skin or area of access. The virus can also be spread sexually which is most common and by using the same towel or other personal article that comes in contact with the exposed warts of someone who is affected. The virus can stay in your system for years and is possible to never go away. If you have a positive pap you need to make sure you do a follow up exam so they can do a visual cervical check because not all genital warts are external. You can get them on your cervical walls and cervix where they will go unseen unless you ask for a visual exam for them. This exam is somewhat uncomfortable because they have to move the speculum around to inspect it. Even though planter warts won't cause a positive pap, you can get planter warts from the same HPV virus strain that causes a positive pap to appear.

What are the signs and symptoms of warts?

Genital warts, sometimes called venereal warts, are growths or bumps contracted through sexual contact. They're caused by certain types of the human papillomavirus (HPV), which is one of the most common STDs.HPV infection often does not cause symptoms. One study reported that almost half of the all women with HPV had no obvious symptoms. Small hard spots can develop within three weeks to three months after exposure, in many cases.wart like things on your genitalstingling, discomfortSymptoms of warts that can occur around the private parts of someone with HPV are itching and redness. These symptoms may be topically treated in addition to taking an antibiotic under the supervision of a physician.Genital warts are usually asymptomatic but they can be painful. Some symptoms of genital warts are bumps on the skin that may itch or may be painless.

If you have genital warts do you get more yeast infections than someone without HPV?

Yes, I also have Hpv and the yeast infections come and go but it is a lot more than some one with out. If this helps my doctor says eating lots of yogurt lessen the chance of so many infections, it helped me.

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genital warts.