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If you're talking about the inking of the tongue palatography, then no. That's usually for consonants as the paint allows the researcher to see where the tongue hit the inside of the mouth (ex alveolar ridge, soft palate etc). Vowels do not allow the tongue to touch these, so palatography in this manner would not help. An electronic version, sort of like an X-ray or MRI of the mouth would, as it would be able to see where in one's mouth their tongue was held to produce the vowel, showing it's height. So it depends on the kind you're using.

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Q: Can palatography be used to study vowel height?
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What is cap height?

The cap height is a term used in typography. It is basically the line that shows how tall to make your capital letters. Cap height is the height from the baseline to the top of the uppercase letters in a font. It may or may not be the same as the height of the ascenders. Cap height is used in some systems to measure the type size.

What unit can be used to measure the height of a goalpost?


How does the contestant of Wheel of Fortune use probability?

When they choose the letters R, S, T, L & N first they are choosing the most probable letters. When they choose to purchase an I after seeing the NG at the end of a word they are choosing the most probable vowel at that location and able that the vowel may still be used elsewhere.When they purchase the E vowel first the are buying the vowel that is used most. When they guess a H after seeing a three letter word beginning with a T they are not using the letter with the highest probability which would be buying the E to confirm that the word is likely the and if it is not the E is likely used elsewhere.

What are the height of the poles used in pole bending?

6 foot

Why Wheel of Fortune contestants should by vowels?

It gives them time to think about the solution to the puzzle. It helps fill in missing letters. A vowel or a Y is in every word and combined with the letters T L N R & S are used more than all other letters. Contestants even should buy another vowel in only one was found because the chances of the other 4 are now increased and if the 4 4 vowels have already been called you get to know where the last vowel is.. E is the most common vowel and letter used in the English Language

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The vowel u isn't used in the word encyclopedia.

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Yes, a combining vowel is used between a word root and a suffix that begins with a consonant to facilitate pronunciation and maintain word structure.

What is a curved mark over a vowel used to show that it has a short vowel sound?

A breve is a symbol used to indicate a short vowel sound in phonetics and linguistics. It looks like a curved mark placed over a vowel.

Why does height not fit the long I rule?

The "long I" rule typically applies to words where the vowel is followed by a consonant and then another vowel (e.g., like in the word "time"). The word "height" does not follow this pattern as the "i" is followed by a combination of consonants ("gh").

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The correct form is "a used". The article "an" is used before vowel sounds, and even though "used" begins with a vowel, it does not begin with a vowel sound, because "used" sounds like "yoozed". So you would say "a used car", but "anoozing sore".

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The second most commonly used vowel in English is "E".

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