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Q: Can peach seeds be able to get dispersed by animals?
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Seeds dispersed by wind-?

Some of the ingenious adaptations for this method of wind dispersal include seeds that resemble parachutes, helicopters and gliders. Examples are- Calotropis, Adenium and Alestonia seeds.

What characteristics of fruits and seeds dispersed by water and wind?

Water: Husk as covering Able to float on water

Why are fruits brightly coloured?

The fruits that are dispersed by animals are often pulpy juicy and bright by color so that the animals can be able to see them. They are fleshy so that they can be eaten by the animals that disperses them.

How is plant movement able to occur?

seeds in the wind, or in excrement of animals who eat the seeds.

Does mongo seed reproduce?

Yes, mango seeds are able to reproduce. They do this by attracting little animals to eat their seeds, which they then spread elsewhere.

How do you get a peach on harvest moon ds?

The Tree in the middle of your farmland is a Peach tree that will grow Peaches in the Summer so you will be able to get Peaches unless you have chopped it down. Then you will need to visit Vestas farm on a Monday between 4pm and 7pm where you can buy seeds for a Peach Tree Hope this helps, The Giggling Pianist

What ways that seeds get from the flower to the ground for germinating?

One way that seeds are able to get from the flower to the ground for germination is by the wind or water carrying them. Another way by animals and insects that may brush against a seed and making it fall.

By what means are spores disseminated?

Spores can be dispersed in a multitude of ways. Spores can be dispersed through animal interaction, through nature, and through special mechansims which the plant or fungi are able to give the spore off .

Why do animals need plants?

the main, maybe most significant reason for plants needing animals is for fertilization. Plants have evolved to reproduce effectively. Seeds need to be dispursed- note how many seeds are designed to attach to the fur of animals such as foxes/ cats or dogs and pollination, vital for genetic variation- sexual reproduction is carried out by bees. Some plants rely on birds eating the seeds as the seeds are only able to grow when they have been excreted with sufficient nutrients from the birds faeces.

How are seed adapted for each mettod of seed dispersal?

Well like dandelion seeds are light and are able to catch the wind allowing for them to be spread with the wind, and seeds found in fruit can be spread by animals eating the fruit. Those are just several examples.

What are the ways in which seeds are dispersed?

Here are different way seeds can be dispersed..1.) After the seeds have formed, they are usually scattered, sometimes far from where they were produced. The scattering of the seeds is called "seed dispersal".2.) Water. Water can disperse seeds that fall into oceans and rivers.3.) Wind. Wind disperses lightweight seeds that often have structures to catch the wind.4.) Some plants eject their seeds, and the force scatters the seeds in many directions.5.) When seeds are mature, the scales open. The wind shakes the seeds out of the cone and carries them away. Only a few seeds will land in suitable places and grow into new plants.6.) Fruits are the means by which angiosperm seeds are dispersed. Animals that eat fruits help to disperse their seeds.=======================By wind - most grasses use this way;by animals - most plants with brightly coloured flowers and edible fruits; andby water - e.g. coconut=======================The 3 means of seed dispersal are the wind, theres also the birds and other critters eating the fruit or nut and then defecating the seeds in another spot. Also water carrying the seeds from the plant they originated from to another spot.=======================Seed can be dispersed in various manners; this is normally dependant on the physical characteristics of the seed or seed coat or the fruit containing the seed.Seed dispersal is necessary to move plants to new locations, this reduces overpopulation and competition for resources in the same location, dispersal also extends the physical range of the plants into new ecological regions. Indirectly it improves the chances of the new plants being able to interbreed or improve the gene pool of the particular plant, plants grown in very isolated or specific closed regions have very little genetic diversity and are cannot cope with sudden threats to their existence.The agents or mechanisms of dispersal are also known as vectors of dispersal.Animals: Seed contained in edible fruit (e.g. figs, tomato, mango, berries) can be distributed by animals which eat the fruit and then eventually excrete them in another location. Examples: Bats, monkeys, squirrels, cattle, wild herbivores.Insects: Many insects collect seed for food (ants, termites etc.), the seed is then taken back to the nest where it may germinate or be dropped and germinate.Wind: Certain seed is adapted to dispersal by wind; these normally have a wing or similar appendage that allows the seed to be carried by air currents. Examples, pine seeds (wing), Acer seed (wing), Maple and Dandelion.Gravity: Certain seeds are heavy and rounded in shape, this facilitates the seed falling from the seed pod and rolling a distance from the parent plant.Burrs and hooks: Certain seeds have burrs, hooks or thorns, the aim of these is to attach themselves to the skin or fur of a passing or foraging animals (or clothes in the case of humans); the animal then moves to another location where hopefully the seed drops and germinates. Examples include: Burdock and Foxtail.Mechanical/ Explosive dispersal: Some plants have "exploding" pods that physically throw the seed away from the parent plant. Examples of these include: Impatiens/ Balsam and some legumes.Water: Some seeds, particularly of plants that grow close to the coast or rivers are adapted to float in order to be distributed away from the parent. Most water plants employ this method of dispersal. Examples are Coconuts, mangrove plants and Lotus.Fire: While fire per se is not a method of dispersal it is a key factor in releasing seed (or breaking seed dormancy) of some species that otherwise would not be able to be released or germinate. Examples include Protea, Erica, certain Pines and some Banksia species.Once you know what the shape and characteristics of the seed are, you can use the above information to determine how the seed is most likely dispersed. Cherry has a stone and a fruit sweet fruit covering, so it is most likely dispersed by animals, birds, bats or even gravity.=======================Gravity , where the seed drops to the ground -wind , where the seed is spread by air-born forces (Think of a Dandelion seed.) -water , which can carry the seed downstream - animal , where the seed can be carried in fur or through animal droppings -humans , where the seed can be spread through planting ~ the related link below will provide more information regarding seed dispersal .=======================1.Disperse seeds by water.2.Disperse seeds by wind.3.Dispersal by animals.4.Some plants eject their seeds.=======================1. Wind dispersal: dandelions have fruits with parachutes of hairs that catch the wind and are blown about. Sycamore fruits have wings which can be blown about and carried over distances.2. Water dispersal: fruits which float, such as those of the water lily and the coconut palm are carried by water. Coconuts can travel for thousands of kilometres across seas and oceans. The original coconut palms on South Sea islands grew from fruits which were carried there from the mainland by ocean currents. Mangroves in swamp regions in countries such as Thailand are another example.3. Animal dispersal: seeds of juicy fruits are carried by birds and other animals. The fruits are eaten, but only the juicy parts are digested, but only the juicy parts are digested. The stones and pips leave the animal's body via the droppings which may be some distance away from the parent plants. e.g. blackberry, cherry and apple. In the case of mistletoe, the sticky fruits are eaten by birds which then clean their beaks on the bark of trees, leaving behind a sticky seed which can grow into a new mistletoe plant on the tree. (Mistletoe is a plant parasite). Small seeds can be carried on the feet of birds and other animals. Fruits with hooks and barbs, e.g. the burdock fruit are carried in the hair, fur and wool of animals. Squirrels bury nuts, including acorns, for food supplies over the winter, but sometimes leave some behind which may grow into new plants in the spring.4. Explosions: some plants disperse their own seeds. The pods dry and split open suddenly with some considerable force which throws their seeds for some distance. e.g. laburnum, broom, peas.=======================Seeds can be dispersed usingwind;animal vectors such as birds which disperse the seeds in their droppings, or animals that disperse the seeds by transporting them stuck to their fur;explosive seed pods. Some seeds are exploded from a ripe seed pod;Well, it would be more helpful if you could be more specific as seeds can be dispersed in many more ways than one! There is wind, where the seeds if light enough are carried away be it. Animals could eat the seeds and disperse of it else where in it's dung.

How do plants make seeds?

when you grow a plant such as a vegetable when you plant it not only your planting seeds but in some seeds there's extra seeds in it which is smaller then the seed so as it grows the extra seeds get inside of the plant.