

Can periscopes see underwater

Updated: 4/28/2022
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12y ago

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some types but if you took a periscope underwater you would see clear or black, oh and all the metal would rust.

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Q: Can periscopes see underwater
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Do periscopes allow you to see hidden objects?

No, periscopes allow you to observe objects while you are hidden.

What ship uses a periscope?

Big ships such as Navy's have periscopes and submarines have it too. If it is high for you to see you will use an periscopes.

How do tank drivers see where thy are going?

They have periscopes.

Who uses periscopes?

Periscopes are devices that use mirrors to allow people to view past obstacles. Submarines commonly use periscopes to see above the water without having to surface.

What does the military use periscopes for?

they can hide and see the enemies with periscope

How are periscopes used in real life?

There are many types of periscopes used in different applications. A periscope is useful anywhere where you cannot or do not want to stick you head out to see something. Most commonly periscopes are associated with submarines, where they are used to look above the water without having the boat surface. This lets the sailors see the situation while being safely hidden underwater. Periscopes are also used in tanks to see without sticking out of the hatch. This keeps the crew from getting shot when they are checking out the battlefield. There are also trench periscopes used for the same reason. Also, fortifications such as bunkers can have periscopes to see without going outside. Police sometimes use periscopes (although cameras are more common now) to look around corners. There are even periscope peepholes that were used in doors, which are a periscope mounted on the door sideways. The idea was that an attacker might ring the doorbell and shoot under the peephole when hearing someone walk up to the door. Having the eyepiece off to the side would keep the person inside out of the line of fire.

Why are periscopes used?

to see around corners or above walls and fences etc

Are binoculars periscopes?

No. Though periscopes may be binocular

What are periscopes used for?

periscopes are used for submarines and war tanks

Why was periscopes invented?

so that dora the explora could see blue bear around the corner

How does a crew see the surface of water in a submarine?

Traditionally, by using a periscope to view optically above the surface. As periscopes are a weak point in a submarine - modern nuclear submarines use external cameras instead of periscopes.

What do you use periscopes for?

You would use periscopes for spying or looking above a persons head