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Yes For instance: Many "home" orchid grower hobbyists grow their plants in their basement with only artificle light and never see sunlight

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Q: Can photosynthesis still take place even there is no sunlight but there is electric light?
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Before photosynthesis can take place light must be what by plants?

Before photosynthesis can take place light must be captured by green plants. Plants use chloryphyll to trap sunlight enery and use it to produce carbohydrates.

What are some factors that affect photosynthesis?

The factor that will effect photosynthesis the most is light. Plants need light in order for photosynthesis to take place. Water, air, pH, and temperature will also effect photosynthesis.

Where does photosynthesis take place in which energy from sunlight is used to make food in plants.?

Photosynthesis takes place in the chloroplasts, which are mostly found in the cells in the leaves.

When does photosynthesis occur?

Photosynthesis is the process which is used by plants to prepare their own food, as they are autotrophs. It occurs in day time because for the photosynthesis to take place, two things are required: 1 sunlight (that's why it take place in day time) 2 chorophyll(which is present in green plants) Photosynthesis only takes place in green plants.

Conditions required for photosynthesis?

Conditions needed for photosynthesisPhotosynthesis needs:chlorophyllcarbon dioxide (from the air)water (from the soil)sunlight energy (any light will do except green light)Tree and offshoots. (Roots, leaves, trunk, etc.)Photosynthesis produces:glucoseoxygen (a waste product)water vapor (US spelling) (through a process called transpiration)Chlorophyll and light energy both need to be present for photosynthesis to take place, but they are not actually part of the reaction - they are not used up. So in the word equation for photosynthesis, remember to write them above the arrow, like this:

Related questions

Before photosynthesis can take place light must be what by plants?

Before photosynthesis can take place light must be captured by green plants. Plants use chloryphyll to trap sunlight enery and use it to produce carbohydrates.

What molecule absorb sunlight for photosynthesis?

Chlorophyll absorbs sunlight in photosynthesis.

Why photosynthesis do not occur at night?

'Photosynthesis' requires the energy of Ultraviolet (UV) light, which is only present in daylight/sunlight. When it is night there is no sunlight, hence no UV light, hence photosynthesis does not occur. The word photosynthesis' can be separated into 'photo' and 'synthesis' 'Photo' means 'light' and 'synthesis' means 'putting together'. So overall the word means 'putting together by light'.

How is light linked to photosynthesis?

if photosynthesis is to take place you need light.

Does the photosynthesis take place in the leave or in the roots?

in the takes in sunlight to start the process of photosynthesis

What must be available for photosynthesis to take place?

Sunlight or energy.

Why do plants grow bigger when they get more sunlight?

Plants need sunlight for photosynthesis, the process by which they produce food. More sunlight means more energy to fuel growth and development, leading to bigger plants. Additionally, sunlight helps regulate hormones in plants that control growth and development.

What is necessary in plants for photosynthesis to take place?

For photosynthesis to take place plants require sunlight water carbon dioxide chlorophyll

What season do more photosynthesis take place?

It needs sunlight for energy.So summer has a good amount of sunlight.

Does sunlight have to be absorbed by plants before photosynthesis can take place?


Does photosynthesis have to happen in the dark?

Plants need photons in order to photosynthesize. There are photons which we cannot see, such as UV rays, but most plant energy comes from light which we can see. Also, remember that different plants absorb different kinds of light.

What is the job of chloroplast in photosynthesis?

capture the light ffrom sunlight and convert into chemical energy during photosynthesis