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Plain tea bags contain tannic acid. Tannic acid has a constringing action upon mucous tissues. Tea bags can be used in place of gauze to help stop initial bleeding. Make sure they are moist before you use them, like you would with the gauze.

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Yes. They are slightly antiseptic, and mildly acidic which tends to strengthen the gum

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Q: Do tea bags help with the healing of the gums after oral surgery?
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Make sure you use a vaporizer, ingest it orally or use the essential oil. Marijuana is a miracle drug that can cure cancer. There are many healing methods that have been withheld from you If you are sick or are having a hard time recovering from surgery marijuana can help you. But remember this, the most important part of healing is giving your body things that it needs (essential fatty acids) and positive thinking to synthesize certain chemicals in your body to also help healing. I am convinced the Bob Beck Protocol can help heal as well.

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The most common operation is the LASIK. It is a corrective procedure (refractive surgery done with the help of a LASER) used to address vision problems. The healing time is also reduced in this operation.

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There is a lot of help available for post-op surgery recipients to help a person get through the healing process and move on to a healthier life. A great place to start is where you can find wonderful guidelines on how to achieve great success, and a community of people to help cheer you on.

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yes salt water helps your gums from pain and burning sensation

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How do you get bone fragments out of your gums after tooth extraction?

It is best to let your dentist remove these fragments. It is most likely pieces of a tooth rather than bone. Rinsing with warm salt water will help the healing of your gums. After a tooth removal, as the inflammation goes away and your gums shrink, some fragments may push their way through the gum. This is usually related to a tooth that was broken during its removal. Follow up with your dentist any time you experience something unusual after a procedure.

What can can happen drinking beer after tooth extraction?

Alcohol "numbs" the senses, so drinking beer should help "dull" the pain from having your tooth extracted.

What benefits can one receive from a lymphatic drainage massage?

The benefits that can be received by having a lymphatic drainage massage include improved healing after surgery, better breastfeeding, an improved immune system and help with relaxation.