

Can red algae produce oxygen

Updated: 9/25/2023
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Q: Can red algae produce oxygen
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Why are algae important?

No, they produce Co2 which is used for plants to breathe then the plants produce oxygen. This is wrong. Green algae produce 70 to 80% of the oxygen on earth. We would not exist without them.

How are algae like higher plants?

Algae uses organic wastes in the water and produces oxygen. Plants produce oxygen after inhaling carbon dioxide.

Does algae produce carbon dioxide?

Algae are plants and produce oxygen from carbon dioxide when exposed to sunlight by photosynthesis. At night they produce carbon dioxide though cellular respiration.

How can algae be helpful?

They produce oxygen as well as provide food for fish that are eaten by other fish. Allowing the cycle of life to continue!

What bacterias produces oxygen?

Cyanobacteria or blue-algae are microbes that produce oxygen through the process of photosynthesis. Some scientists believe that these bacteria were the first to produce oxygen on Earth.

What are the harmful effects in green algae?

The useful effects of algae is that it provides oxygen for various living things. Algae is also a food resource for humans and fish. Algae can become harmful if they produce toxins. Too much algae in the water can kill fish because the algae consumes a great amount of oxygen and can block the sunlight from reaching underwater.

What color is a fire algae are?

Although all algae have chlorophyll not all kinds of algae are green. Fire algae are unicellular algae that are red in color because of too little oxygen in the water

What were the first organisms to release oxygen into the atmosphere?

Oxygen was a waste product of the first organisms. They fed on the chemicals in the early sea, and spewed out oxygen, so much oxygen that oxygen replaced the carbon dioxide as an insulation layer. Plant today produce oxygen by photosynthesis.

How does algae produce oxygen?

Yes - through basic photosynthesis, like all other plants. What is remarkable about certain algae is their efficiency in doing so.

What is an adaptation of coralline algae?

Coralline algae is classed as a red algae. Red algae is unique because it has adapted to be able to photosynthesise not only in light (producing O2) but also in darkness and at night (producing CO2). This means that coralline algae can still thrive in low light, as long as the water has a high enough oxygen content.

Does red tide come from oil spills?

"Red tide" has nothing to do with oil spills. It is the result of the accumulation of algae with a reddish coloration in near shore waters. Some red tides are produce natural toxins, deplete of dissolved oxygen or have other harmful impacts which lead to fish deaths.

Why can red algae live in deeper water than green algae?

Green algae requires stronger sunlight for it needs it to under go photosynthesis to make it gree. Red algae does too use photosynthesis, but not to the extent to turn it green. The closer to the surface, the more oxygen too, so the green algae must need more oxygen for respiration.