

Can resistivity be negetive

Updated: 9/20/2023
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Q: Can resistivity be negetive
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What change in resistivity if length is doubled?

Resistivity is a property of a substance, and doesn't depend on the dimensions of a sample. If the length of a conductor is doubled, then its resistance doubles but its resistivity doesn't change.

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How do you convert conductivity to resistivity?

Conductivity is a measure of the ability of a substance to conduct electricity. Resistivity is a measure of how strongly a substance resists the flow of an electric current. So conductivity and resistivity are opposed to each other. A good conductor like copper has a low resistivity, and a good insulator like glass has a low conductivity and a high resistivity. Mathematically, conductivity and resistivity are inverses of each other, so it is quite easy to convert conductivity to resistance.

What is resistivity and what factor does it depend?

Electrical resistivity (also known as resistivity, specific electrical resistance, or volume resistivity) quantifies how strongly a given material opposes the flow of electric current. A low resistivity indicates a material that readily allows the movement of electric charge. Resistivity is commonly represented by the Greek letter ρ (rho). The SI unit of electrical resistivity is theohm⋅metre (Ω⋅m)It defined as resistance offerde by a unit length and cross section area conductor.It depends on material depends on relexation time and temperature.

If a wire of resistivity is stretched to thrice its initial length what will be its new resistivity?

the resistivity will increase by nine times